Helen Caldicott – If You Love This Planet

The Canadian writer Naomi Klein said about Helen Caldicott: (she) “has the rare ability to combine science with passion, logic with love, and urgency with humor.” In 2009 the revised edition of Caldicott’s book: If You Love This Planet was published by Norton. In a yearlong research process she updated the information on dangerous global trends such as ozone depletion, global warming, toxic pollution, food contamination, and deforestation – and, as always, she gives a prescription for a cure and cause for hope. Helen Caldicott rallies readers to action with the contention that our fight for the planet will draw its strength from love for the Earth itself.

Helen Caldicott, has devoted the last 38 years to an international campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age and the necessary changes in human behavior to stop environmental destruction. She was only 23 years old when she received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide, Australia, in 1961. Ten year later, in 1971, she was in her first successful antinuclear campaign to stop French atmospheric nuclear testing in the Pacific.

While living in the United States from 1977 to 1986, she co-founded Physicians for Social Responsibility, an organization of 23,000 doctors committed to educating their colleagues about the dangers of nuclear power, nuclear weapons and nuclear war.

code A339DVD:  To order as 58minute film on DVD: $14.00

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