Helen Caldicott – Stop Nuclear Power Plants

Helen Caldicott‘s Appeal to President Obama
This is a medical lecture on the health effects of uranium mining, processing, radiation damage to cells and genes and the routine releases of radioactive materials such as Tritium from nuclear power plants during “normal” operations.

When Obama in his 2010 State of the Union address strongly endorsed nuclear power as one of the solutions to global warming – and said: “That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country” the anti nuclear campaigner Helen Caldicott responded in the Huffington Post. Throughout her almost 40 year long international campaign and her writings in seven books she has always made the connection between nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and environmental destruction. She said that not only should no new nuclear power plants be built but called for: ending “the sale of nuclear reactors globally by the US, Russia, France and others for they are fundamentally factories for nuclear weapons production because they manufacture plutonium..”. Ultimately – she said – “the goal should be the cessation of the production of enriched uranium and plutonium by closing all nuclear power plant operations.”

code A340DVD:  To order as 58minute film on DVD: $14.00

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