David Freeman: My Experience with Nuclear Power

Freeman served in Chief Executive positions at the largest power authorities in the world, including the New York Power Authority, the TVA in Tennessee Valley, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.

In spite of, or maybe really because of, being the consummate insider in energy production, Freeman is one of the most brilliant, funny and knowledgeable critics of fossil fuels and nuclear power. Freeman closed down 8 nuclear reactor projects during his tenure as Chief Executive at the TVA, and one more when he was General Manager of the Sacramento Municipal Utilities District in California.

His 2007 book: Winning our Energy Independence, describes in detail the urgent need of weaning the U.S. from what he calls the “three poisons” — coal, oil, and nuclear. He believes that energy and climate pose the greatest threats America has ever faced and this is our opportunity to resolve all aspects of that crisis at once: In this book he lays out how renewable energy can replace oil, coal as well as nuclear.

David Freeman spoke at the Fukushima Symposium in NYC on the second anniversary of the accident on March 12, 2013. The two day event was organized by The Helen Caldicott Foundation and cosponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility.

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