Rethinking Money: How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity (ONE of TWO)

with Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne
This is a new book by the former Belgian central banker, fund manager and now university professor Bernard Lietaer and the journalist Jacqui Dunne. Published in 2013 the book is the most up to date international overview over complementary currencies and alternative systems of credit. The diversity of these systems is quite staggering, examples come for Poland, Brazil, Japan, the US and even the center of all banking, as some see it, Switzerland. But what they all have in common is their response to and critique of the current system of banking and money management.

Edgar Cahn, the creator of one such complementary system, Time Banking, legal scholar and speech writer to Robert F. Kennedy summed up the purpose of the book on Rethinking Money:
“Lietaer and Dunne explain how and why our monetary system fails to put supply and demand together, subsidizes and promotes intolerable and unnecessary disparities of well-being, entrenches unearned privilege, undermines democracy, creates boom-and-bust cycles, and rewards unsustainable, destructive growth… they provide a guided tour to an array of actual alternatives like time banking and complementary currencies to create a sustainable, more equitable monetary ecosystem.”

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