Naomi Klein: No Is Not Enough (ONE of TWO)

Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need
Naomi Klein says that a corporate political takeover got Donald Trump elected and now “An unprecedented number of people are becoming engaged in movements and politics.” She writes that the current rise in activism can resist his policies. However saying No is not enough. In this talk she explains that we have the opportunity to “build a different economy and a different relationship between humans and the natural world and between each other in community.” And she explains how we can arrive at relationships of reciprocity, regeneration and renewal.

Naomi Klein is internationally famous for having written several major analytical books, among them:  This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate (in 2014), The Shock Doctrine (in 2007) and No Logo (in 2000).  Her most recent book: No Is Not Enough, is coming out in June 2017.

The award-winning journalist, syndicated columnist, film maker and author was the keynote speaker at the Living Future conference in Seattle, WA, on March 19, 2017. Living Future is a forum for the green building movement. Thanks to Mike McCormick for the recording.

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