Renegade Economists Marilyn Waring, Kate Raworth and Elinor Ostrom (Part FIVE)

Kate Raworth: How modern economics has failed the poor and wrecked the earth while making a few people very rich
Kate Raworth spoke on October 4, 2017, at the Stockholm Resilience Centre on her new book Doughnut Economics. Published in the UK and US in April 2017 the book has already been translated into Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Japanese.
Kate Raworth says that economics dominate public policy and our decision-making for the future. It guides multi-billion-dollar investments, and shapes our responses to climate change, inequality, and other environmental and social challenges that define our times. However economic theories as taught today  are centuries out of date. That’s why it is time, Raworth says, to revise our economic thinking for the 21st century.
From Kate Raworth 35 minute talk I chose her fascinating retelling of the history of economics from Adam Smith to Paul Samuelson and her indictment of neoliberalism, market fundamentalism and the universally imposed system of economic growth, expressed in the GPD, the Gross Domestic Product.

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