Stop the Extradition of Julian Assange

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With Human Rights Lawyer Jennifer Robinson and author and public intellectual Tariq Ali On February 24, 2020, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s extradition hearing opened in a London court.

The US government had said he is guilty of hacking into and publishing US military databases. The Trump administration raised the stakes significantly. They want to put him on trial under the espionage act, threatening Assange with 175 years in prison.

Jennifer Robinson is a member of Julian Assange’s legal team. She spoke on February 4, 2020, at a public rally for Assange at the Royal National Hotel in London.

Tariq Ali is a well know British author, film-maker, historian, political activist and editor who came to support Julian Assange.

This rally and prior events have been recorded by acTVism Munich, a non-profit & independent online media portal. They are also engaged with the Pardon Edward Snowden campaign.

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