Julian Assange IS FREE — What this means for the rest of us

Yanis Varoufakis and DiEM25     Immediately after it became known that the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, was set free from a prison in London, and had boarded a plane towards Guam, the DiEM25 channel launched a conversation between Yanis Varoufakis, Srećko Horvat, Karin De Rigo and others. Here are excerpts from that conversation.

Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek economist and politician. He is Secretary-General of DiEM25, a radical political movement in Europe that he co-founded in 2016.  Srecko Horvat is a Croatian philosopher, author, political activist and co-founder of DiEM25. And Karin De Rigo is coordinator of the local DiEM25 group in Berlin.

They spoke while the plane, carrying Julian Assange to freedom, was still in the air, heading to Guam. By today, July second 2024, everybody has kept their promises and Julian Assange is now free and back home in his native Australia.

There are 13 more programs on Julian Assange on the TUC Radio dot org website. And you can watch the full 56 minute video on Youtube. Search for the title: Julian Assange IS FREE — What this means for the rest of us.

DATE: June 25/2024
CREDIT: DiEM25, streamed live on June 25, 2024

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