
You can order on-line via the secure links of CCNow. Look for the note: “To order a copy click HERE”
TUC Radio CDs or DVDs can also be ordered by mail with cash, check or money order.

Are you looking for a program that you just heard on the air? Check the “newest programs” page

  • All Time Favorites ( 4)
    Over 24 years of TUC Radio production a few programs have become unforgettable. Here they are.
  • Amazing Speakers & Events ( 74)
    Including speakers such as Helen Caldicott, Noam Chomsky, Winona LaDuke, Ward Churchill, Michael Parenti, Vandana Shiva, Howard Lyman, Ralph Nader, Maude Barlow, Alexander Cockburn, Kathy Kelly, and Andreas Toupadakis.
  • Films
    Two years ago I started filming all my radio programs. Here are the most intriguing, interesting, helpful, unusual or rare film in that growing collection.
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  • Michael Parenti
    An archive of speeches by this insightful author/researcher about how our societal institutions no longer serve us - Themes are: Globalization, US Intervention, Racism, the Media the cost of Empire and a discourse on Julius Caesar, rebel or dictator?
    [catlist cat="26"]
    • Michael Parenti Films on DVD ( 29)
      Included are archival films transferred from VHS (come back for updates ..) Get 10% or 15% off with your order I found a way to acknowledge those who order over $50 or $100 worth of items all at once. Once your selection goes over $50 you get 10% off with coupon AAYY. Once your selection goes over $100 you get 15% off with coupon BBYY. The coupon can only be used in the US and Canada
  • Native Nations ( 1)
    Native peoples speak on the destruction of their lands and their cultures, which are inseparable
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    • Environment ( 12)
      The effect of environmental degradation
  • Newest Catalog Items ( 413)
    If you can't see the program you are looking for on this list use the search form at top of this website to locate it in the Catalog.

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