Author Archives: Maria

Chalmers Johnson – Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic, Archive TWO of TWO

Johnson’s name is being quoted in the 2023 work of analysts and historians
Today’s analysts and historians say that one statement is more timely now than when Johnson first made it in 2006 that “nothing is more dangerous to democracy, than military expansion and war” and argued that the U.S. is in danger of internal collapse, due in large part to the vast expenditures required to maintain its ever-expanding empire.
Chalmers Johnson is the acclaimed author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis. He is a former analyst for the CIA and professor emeritus of the University of California San Diego.
Chalmers Johnson was interviewed by the California based author of “Imperial San Francisco”, Gray Brechin, in March 2007.
DATES: March, 2007
Location: [ . . . ]

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Chalmers Johnson – Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic, Archive ONE of TWO

Johnson’s name is being quoted in the 2023 work of analysts and historians
Chalmers Johnson wrote that “nothing is more dangerous to democracy, than military expansion and war” and argued that the U.S. is in danger of internal collapse, due in large part to the vast expenditures required to maintain its ever-expanding empire.
Chalmers Johnson is the acclaimed author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis. He is a former analyst for the CIA and professor emeritus of the University of California San Diego.
He was interviewed by the California based author of “Imperial San Francisco”, Gray Brechin, in March 2007.
DATES: March, 2007
Location: MLK Junior High in Berkeley

Chalmers Johnson – Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic, Archive ONE of TWO

Johnson’s name is being quoted in the 2023 work of analysts and historians
Chalmers Johnson wrote that “nothing is more dangerous to democracy, than military expansion and war” and argued that the U.S. is in danger of internal collapse, due in large part to the vast expenditures required to maintain its ever-expanding empire.
Chalmers Johnson is the acclaimed author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis. He is a former analyst for the CIA and professor emeritus of the University of California San Diego.
He was interviewed by the California based author of “Imperial San Francisco”, Gray Brechin, in March 2007.
DATES: March, 2007
Location: MLK Junior High in Berkeley

Ray McGovern, Veteran CIA Analyst on Russia, Warns of Nuclear War

An August 9, 2023, conversation with Robert Scheer
McGovern told Bob Scheer: “I spent six decades following Soviet and now Russian policy. Most of that time professionally… I have never, never had so much fear that we are on the cusp of a nuclear catastrophe.” They discuss why the danger is so high right now, and how a peace agreement could be reached.
Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst on the Soviet Union and Russia from 1963 to 1990 and advisor to seven US presidents. He prepared the President’s Daily Brief. In 2006 he protested the CIA’s involvement in torture.
Bob Scheer came out of the student movement of the 1960 and was and remains a journalist and author of books. He [ . . . ]

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Ray McGovern, Veteran CIA Analyst on Russia, Warns of Nuclear War

An August 9, 2023, conversation with Robert Scheer
McGovern told Bob Scheer: “I spent six decades following Soviet and now Russian policy. Most of that time professionally… I have never, never had so much fear that we are on the cusp of a nuclear catastrophe.” They discuss why the danger is so high right now, and how a peace agreement could be reached.
Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst on the Soviet Union and Russia from 1963 to 1990 and advisor to seven US presidents. He prepared the President’s Daily Brief. In 2006 he protested the CIA’s involvement in torture.
Bob Scheer came out of the student movement of the 1960 and was and remains a journalist and author of books. He [ . . . ]

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Dismantle the Doomsday Machine – Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Daniel Ellsberg at the gates of Lawrence Livermore Lab
There are two locations where all US nuclear weapons are designed. Lawrence Livermore National Lab in California is one of them. Since 1983 Tri-Valley CAREs has monitored nuclear weapons and environmental clean-up throughout the US, with a special focus on Livermore Lab.
Every year on August 6 Tri-Valley CAREs and supporters gather at the gates of Livermore Lab to remember the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This year, 2023, the silent vigil was also dedicated to Daniel Ellsberg. He had been at the gates of Livermore Lab many times in the past and gotten arrested for blocking the entrance. He died in June of this year at age 93. [ . . . ]

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Dismantle the Doomsday Machine – Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Daniel Ellsberg at the gates of Lawrence Livermore Lab
There are two locations where all US nuclear weapons are designed. Lawrence Livermore National Lab in California is one of them. Since 1983 Tri-Valley CAREs has monitored nuclear weapons and environmental clean-up throughout the US, with a special focus on Livermore Lab.
Every year on August 6 Tri-Valley CAREs and supporters gather at the gates of Livermore Lab to remember the victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
This year, 2023, the silent vigil was also dedicated to Daniel Ellsberg. He had been at the gates of Livermore Lab many times in the past and gotten arrested for blocking the entrance. He died in June of this year at age 93. [ . . . ]

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Oppenheimer and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Paul Jay and Peter Kuznick challenge the claims that the bombing ended WWII
Two weeks before Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day 2023 Paul Jay and Peter Kuznick had a conversation about the just released film Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan. They acknowledged the importance of the film at a time when the risk of a nuclear war is the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. But they also raised the question why it is still possible to claim that the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved lives by ending WWII.
Thanks to Paul Jay, host and co-founder of The Analysis, for inviting Peter Kuznick, professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University and co-author with [ . . . ]

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Oppenheimer and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Paul Jay and Peter Kuznick challenge the claims that the bombing ended WWII
Two weeks before Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day 2023 Paul Jay and Peter Kuznick had a conversation about the just released film Oppenheimer by Christopher Nolan. They acknowledged the importance of the film at a time when the risk of a nuclear war is the highest since the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. But they also raised the question why it is still possible to claim that the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima saved lives by ending WWII.
Thanks to Paul Jay, host and co-founder of The Analysis, for inviting Peter Kuznick, professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University and co-author with [ . . . ]

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Norman Solomon: War Made Invisible

How America hides the human toll of its Military Machine
Kirkus Reviews called this book “a powerful, necessary indictment of efforts to disguise the human toll of American foreign policy” and “a provocative overview of the consequences of the media’s appalling failures in making important truths known.”
Norman Solomon is an American journalist, media critic, author and activist. He is the founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy and co-founder and national director of the online organization, which now has upwards of 1.3 million online supporters. He is the author of 13 books, among them Made Love, Got War; War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death; and Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn’t Tell You.
Massachusetts [ . . . ]

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Norman Solomon: War Made Invisible

How America hides the human toll of its Military Machine
Kirkus Reviews called this book “a powerful, necessary indictment of efforts to disguise the human toll of American foreign policy” and “a provocative overview of the consequences of the media’s appalling failures in making important truths known.”
Norman Solomon is an American journalist, media critic, author and activist. He is the founder of the Institute for Public Accuracy and co-founder and national director of the online organization, which now has upwards of 1.3 million online supporters. He is the author of 13 books, among them Made Love, Got War; War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death; and Target Iraq: What the News Media Didn’t Tell You.
Massachusetts [ . . . ]

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Historic Heat of the Summer 2023 – Passing the Threshold

Join Dr. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez in a discussion of the recent temperature records set in the first truly global heatwave on land and in the ocean
This recording was made on July 12th when the World Meteorological Organization confirmed one record hottest day after another. Dr. Peter Carter, is expert reviewer for the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute. Paul Beckwith is a physicist, engineer, and now a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa. And Regina Valdez is Climate Reality Project Director, NYC. They met by Zoom on July 12th, 2023.
And as I am recording this on Tuesday, July 18, AXIOS news reports that again – [ . . . ]

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Historic Heat of the Summer 2023 – Passing the Threshold

Join Dr. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez in a discussion of the recent temperature records set in the first truly global heatwave on land and in the ocean
This recording was made on July 12th when the World Meteorological Organization confirmed one record hottest day after another. Dr. Peter Carter, is expert reviewer for the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute. Paul Beckwith is a physicist, engineer, and now a part-time professor at the University of Ottawa. And Regina Valdez is Climate Reality Project Director, NYC. They met by Zoom on July 12th, 2023.
And as I am recording this on Tuesday, July 18, AXIOS news reports that again – [ . . . ]

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In Memory of Bertolt Brecht (Archive)

For Brecht’s 100ds birthday in 1998 the Royal National Theatre from London gave a performance in his honor at Theater Artaud in San Francisco
Bertolt Brecht and many other artists in post WWI Germany were courageously and proudly democrats, socialists or communists. They had experienced the horror of the first World War and were determined to prevent a second one. So when Hitler and the Nazi party actually assumed state power in 1933 they were all marked and most of them left the country immediately. Their exodus destroyed much of the cultural/political rebellion of the 1920s.
Even though Brecht, the playwright, poet, director and theoretician of the stage, was persecuted by the Nazi’s, he was forced to leave his home in [ . . . ]

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In Memory of Bertolt Brecht (Archive)

For Brecht’s 100ds birthday in 1998 the Royal National Theatre from London gave a performance in his honor at Theater Artaud in San Francisco
Bertolt Brecht and many other artists in post WWI Germany were courageously and proudly democrats, socialists or communists. They had experienced the horror of the first World War and were determined to prevent a second one. So when Hitler and the Nazi party actually assumed state power in 1933 they were all marked and most of them left the country immediately. Their exodus destroyed much of the cultural/political rebellion of the 1920s.
Even though Brecht, the playwright, poet, director and theoretician of the stage, was persecuted by the Nazi’s, he was forced to leave his home in [ . . . ]

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