Author Archives: Maria

Ellen Brown: Bypassing Wall Street

A Public Bank for Mendocino County
Efforts are under way in one of the smaller counties of California, 100 miles north of San Francisco, to set up a local public county bank. Mendocino might be the first in the US since the early nineteen hundreds unless the city of San Francisco, where plans are well developed to create such a bank, beats Mendocino to the punch.
Such a public bank would be authorized to remove the county’s funds from the commercial bank that now manages the deposits. The County Bank would be able to use the same credit system that private banks use – which means access to the current 0.25% interest rate instead of the going rate of 5 to 8% [ . . . ]

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Paul Grignon: Money as Debt (TWO of TWO)

An independent movie on the question “Where does money come from?” became the most successful film on banking on the internet and was praised by notables like Catherine Austin Fitts, David Korten, Hazel Henderson, and Tom Greco.
This update of TUC Radio’s 2009 Film on Radio version opens up concepts for groundbreaking bank reform and explains three astounding quotes by American presidents:
“All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”
John Adams, Founding Father of the American Constitution
“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of [ . . . ]

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A Farewell to Justice by Joan Mellen (TWO of TWO)

Jim Garrison, John F. Kennedy’s Assassination, and The Case That Should Have Changed History
When Joan Mellen first gave this talk in 2006 at a release event for her book: Farewell to Justice, she put emphasis on the subtitle: the Case That Should Have Changed History. What New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison knew but was unable to prove in court, what Oliver Stone and his team researched for the 1991 film JFK and what Joan Mellen and a few other authors have now brought into evidence is the important and powerful role that the CIA played in the Kennedy assassination.
When Kennedy discovered what the CIA was doing behind his back, especially in Cuba and Vietnam, by planning interventions and full [ . . . ]

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Joan Mellen – A Farewell to Justice (ONE of TWO)

Jim Garrison, John F. Kennedy’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History
The re-broadcast of this program with Temple University Professor Joan Mellen is timed to coincide with the immediate aftermath of the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination. Now we know that even in November 2013 the vast majority of mainstream media still name Oswald the lone assassin and still discredit Oliver Stone, whose 1991 Movie JFK features Garrison’s investigation of the assassination.
Oliver Stone, in November 2013, defended his film, JFK. He said to his attackers on CNN: “There’s nothing in the movie that I would go back on,” and: “even more evidence supports my case now.” Joan Mellen agrees with Oliver Stone and supports the film. But [ . . . ]

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 (TWO of TWO) An interview with the author, Russ Baker

Best of TUC: In remembrance of the JKF assassination
Dan Rather, whose career ending expose, in 2004, of G.W. Bush’s failed National Guard service is described in Russ Baker’s Family of Secrets, said about the book: “It made me rethink even those events I witnessed with my own eyes.”
In this 2010 interview Baker gives his interpretation of the source and purpose of the National Guard documents. He also presents more information on the connections of George Herbert Walker Bush to the Kennedy assassination, including the briefing that Father Bush received right after the murder, as well as the long time friendship between Bush and George de Mohrenschildt who became the handler of Lee Harvey Oswald.
This is a Best of TUC Radio [ . . . ]

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 (ONE of TWO) An interview with the author, Russ Baker

Best of TUC: In remembrance of the JKF assassination

Gore Vidal called Baker’s book about the Bush Dynasty and America’s invisible government one of the most important books of the past ten years. In Family of Secrets Baker asks the obvious, but unanswered question, how can “such a clan occupy the presidency or vice presidency of the US for 20 of the past 28 years” with yet another Bush, Jeb Bush waiting in the wings.
Family of Secrets reads and was conceived as a detective story, based on more than 500 interviews and thousands of documents, backed up by more than a 1000 footnotes. And even though the book uncovers a secret political life for all Bushes it is much more than [ . . . ]

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Global Seed Companies: Who Owns What – Professor Philip Howard

And why are multinational chemical companies in control?
According to Philip Howard there were over 10,000 seed companies in the US in the 1970s, by 1998 there were only 1,500 left. This is a fascinating, fact filled report of how an ever smaller group of chemical companies, foremost Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta have taken over a majority share of the world seed supply in a very short period of time. And they are not only dealing in basic grains and genetic engineering of corn and soy, but have already successfully acquired fruits and vegetables seed companies and hybrid seed stock.
Genetic engineering, the patenting of seeds, sanctioned by Supreme Court and global trade jurisdiction now make the saving of an increasingly larger [ . . . ]

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Edward Said: Palestine and the Universality of Human Rights (Part TWO of TWO) 

Best Of TUC: Tribute in remembrance of his death, Sept. 25, 2003
This is Prof. Edward Said’s last major speech on Palestine given at UC Berkeley seven months before his death on September 25, 2003. He was born in Jerusalem in 1935, lived in exile in the US and was professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.
Edward Said gave a report on GAZA, still under military occupation. He also referred to the first and second Intifada, the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, and the beginning of the building of the separation wall.
The building of Israeli settlements, the major cause of conflict and suffering, continues to this day. By the end of 2012 settlers in the West Bank numbered [ . . . ]

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Edward Said: Palestine and the Universality of Human Rights (Part ONE of TWO) 

Best Of TUC: Tribute in remembrance of his death, Sept. 25, 2003
This is Edward Said’s last major speech on Palestine, the war on Iraq and the Bush administration. On September 25, 2003, a message made its way around the world. Edward Said, Palestinian American, world famous professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, and fearless defender of the Palestinian cause had died of leukemia in New York City, far from the city of Jerusalem where he was born in 1935.
In 1948 Said and his family were forced to leave Palestine for Cairo when the newly founded state of Israel took their ancestral home. Later Said came to the US, studied at Princeton and Harvard and went on to [ . . . ]

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Vandana Shiva: Genetically Engineered Food and the Militarization of Agriculture (TWO of TWO)

We owe Vandana Shiva a huge debt of gratitude for having been one of the first to explain that modern trade agreements are no longer just about setting tariffs at the borders but rather increasingly global bills of rights that give corporations power over national laws and regulations, all in the name of maximizing their profits.
In this wide ranging Question and Answer exchange she explains the so-called investor – state suits before unaccountable trade tribunals where corporations can sue governments when they feel that their profits are being curtailed by state laws to protect health, safety, labor, the environment or other so-called obstacles to trade.
Shiva gives an update on the status of a global effort to label GMO food and [ . . . ]

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Vandana Shiva: Genetically Engineered Food and the Militarization of Agriculture (ONE of TWO)

Dr. Vandana Shiva, trained in Physics with a dissertation on Quantum Theory; born in Dehradun, India, the daughter of a forest conservator and a farmer, is one of the great ecologists of our time. She has written over 20 books, including Water Wars: Pollution, Profits, and Privatization; Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge; Monocultures of the Mind; and The Violence of the Green Revolution.
Vandana Shiva has challenged for decades GMO corporations such as Monsanto, large hydro dam builders, and governments, including her own, on issues of agriculture, genetic engineering, deforestation, abuses of science and technology, and globalization. She has started a movement from her birthplace in the foothills of the Himalayas and is dedicating her life and creative energy [ . . . ]

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A $300 Million Freeway Bypass Built on Wetlands – and on a Lie

From TUC Radio’s Going Home series A freeway bypass is being built around the small Northern California town of Willits. Even network TV is recognizing that it will destroy precious wetlands and is grossly expensive and overbuilt with a capacity for 5,000 vehicles per hour while top traffic around Willits is only 8,000 a day. The breaking news around which this story is built is the discovery that the California Department of Transportation, Caltrans, lied in their permit application to inflate the need for four instead of two lanes.
An effort is currently under way to halt construction and bring back a two lane design for the Northern Interchange, where the bypass meets up with the old two lane highway 101. [ . . . ]

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How Many Reasons for an Attack on Syria?

An interview with Middle East analyst Jeffrey Blankfort recorded on September 8, 2013, before the, then planned, congressional votes.
This interview covers the vote in the UK Parliament, the critics of the preparation for war at home and abroad, Israel’s position, the role of the Saudis in fomenting military actions at a time when demonstrations in Syria were still peaceful, and the role of Hezbollah.
Blankfort refers to the long list of incidents where the US used chemical weapons in Vietnam and Iraq and supplied them or condoned their use. He also comments on constitutional issues around the War Powers Act which limits the President’s discretion to launch a war.
Jeff Blankfort is a journalist, photographer and radio host of Takes on [ . . . ]

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Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda – The Attack on Democracy Part TWO of TWO

Journalist John Pilger has called Carey “a second Orwell in his prophesies”. This segment covers the little known role of the US Chamber of Commerce in the McCarthy witch hunts of post WWII. Carey also shows how the continued campaign against “Big Government” plays an important role in bringing Reagan to power. Also mentioned the famous secret memo by Lewis Powell, later Supreme Court Justice, that set in motion what Bill Moyers today calls “the revolt of the rich.”
Noam Chomsky dedicated his book “Manufacturing Consent” to the memory of Alex Carey. Chomsky says that the Australian sociologist would have written the definitive history of propaganda in the US, had he lived to complete his work. This is a fairly complex production [ . . . ]

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Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda – The Attack on Democracy Part ONE of TWO

For a 30 second Preview/Promo click HERE

This is TUC Radio’s all time most popular program.
Those of you who used it know that it draws an amazing response.
It’s been almost six years since it was last sent out.
Alex Carey wrote that the people of the US have been subjected to an unparalleled, expensive, 3/4 century long propaganda effort designed to expand corporate rights by undermining democracy and destroying the unions. The 20th century, he wrote, is marked by three historic developments: the growth of democracy via the expansion of the franchise, the growth of corporations, and the growth of propaganda to protect corporations from democracy. Carey’s unique view of US history goes back to World War I and ends with the Reagan era.
Noam Chomsky dedicated his book [ . . . ]

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