Author Archives: Maria

Michael Parenti: The Functions of Fascism (REAL HISTORY THREE/FIVE)

Parenti says that fascism is a new order and consciousness that served
the same old power structure and promised to solve the ills of the many
while protecting the interests of the few. He answers in detail who
financed the fascist parties and what services the fascists rendered in

Michael Parenti: The Spanish American War and the Rise of US Imperialism (REAL HISTORY TWO/FIVE)

Why did the US give verbal support to the Cuban liberation movements against Spain while selling weapons to Spain to fight the poplar movement? The Spanish American War was an important turning point in the transition of the US to an imperial power and many of the forces at work are eerily contemporary.

Michael Parenti: The Myth of the Founding Fathers (REAL HISTORY – ONE/FIVE)

As the US government claims to spread democracy around the world and is ghost writing constitutions for other countries, the spotlight falls back on this country. Is the current US system a democracy? Has it ever been one? In The Myth of the Founding Fathers Parenti takes us back to the early days of the republic. Who were the founding fathers, what were their goals in writing the US constitution? Who did they exclude and who did they favor? How many of them actually wanted to create a monarchy? And who, in the end, ratified the constitution after it was written?

Bernie Sanders: International Trade, Trade Deficit and Job Losses

Sanders: We have not dealt with our disastrous trade policies which have encouraged large corporations to send jobs abroad. Just under Bush we went from 17 million manufacturing jobs to 12 million in 8 years. How do we survive as a strong industrial power? Today there are fewer manufacturing jobs than in April 1941.

Bernie Sanders: We Must Break up the Largest Banks

While taxpayers bailed out Wall Street banks because they were too big to fail, 3 out of 4 financial institutions that were bailed out are now larger than before. Wells Fargo is 43% bigger, JP Morgan Chase 51% bigger, and Bank of America is 138% bigger. If we are serious about preventing a future collapse worse than the current one we have to break these banks up, says Sanders.

Bernie Sanders: Secret Funding by the Federal Reserve

Sanders reports on the “jaw dropping” $3.3 trillion in emergency loans and more than $9 trillion in over 21,000 short-term loans and other financial arrangements the Federal Reserve handed out without input or supervision, dwarfing the $700 billion Treasury Department bank bailout during the Wall Street meltdown.

Who were the Luddites? by Iain Boal (Parts ONE and TWO)

Who were the Luddites? Machine smashers of the 19th century or members of a fascinating social movement with visionary insights into the unfolding drama of industrialization?

The impact of today’s technologies on social relations and the planet itself is becoming an intriguing field of inquiry. However so far the discussion of nuclear power, biotechnology, deforestation, automobiles or computers is pretty much dominated by industry and government who want us to take all this for granted.
In this context it is inspiring to remember the Luddites who questioned industrial civilization at its very beginning in England during the introduction of mechanized textile mills. They knew that the power-looms that they selectively destroyed were not just a technology but would create a whole new [ . . . ]

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Memorial for Allen Ginsberg

On Sunday, April 20, 1997, the huge synagogue Emanu-El in San Francisco was filled with fellow poets and friends remembering the life of the Beat/Buddhist/Rebel poet Allen Ginsberg. Among the speakers were Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Joanne Kyger, Anne Waldman, Robert Haas, and Gary Snyder.
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