Interviews With Dr. James Hansen, Nasa And Dr. Hermann Scheer

World Council for Renewable Energy and member of the German Parliament
Dr. James Hansen is one of the few climate scientists who has consistently warned that the impact that humans have on the climate is bringing about changes that are faster than we ever believed and maybe irreversible if action is not taken now. Hansen is Director of the NASA Institute for Space Studies in New York City, a division of the Goddard Space Flight Center.

I interviewed Hansen  after his lecture at the December 2006 meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.

Dr. Hermann Scheer
A large industrialized country already gets 10% of their electricity from renewable sources. And if the present rate of conversion is maintained, this country will have phased out nuclear and fossil fuels within the next 50 years. And this country, Germany, is not even blessed with abundant wind or sun. Germany, for 15 years now, has shown the determinations to move away from centralized to decentralized power, from commercial to non-commercial energy production, and to come up with solutions to climate change, peak oil and the dangers of nuclear power.

At the root of these developments is the German Renewable Energy Act, the EEG. The lead author of the EEG is Dr. Hermann Scheer, chairman of the World Council for Renewable Energy, now serving his 6th term as elected member of the German Parliament.

I interviewed Scheer on February 16 in the noisy courtyard of his hotel in Palo Alto, CA.

Code A295DVD  To order a one hour film on DVD click here: $14.00

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