Weapons in Space: Donald Trump has launched the US Space Force

Trump said: ‘Space is the world’s new war-fighting domain.’
Space Force, the first new US military service in more than 70 years.
The program begins with a clip from the signing ceremony at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, DC, on December 27, 2019.
On the eve of the ceremony Karl Grossman and Bruce Gagnon were interviewed on the podcast Loud & Clear Saying NO to the Militarization of Space. The program host, Brian Becker, gave permission to re-broadcast their comments.
Five days a week Brian Becker covers the latest news, commentary and political analysis on international affairs. His co-host is John Kiriakou, author, journalist and retired intelligence officer. Kiriakou was the first U.S. Government official to confirm that water boarding was used to interrogate al-Qaeda prisoners and denounced it as torture.
The conversation covers: Exorbitant cost while starving the needed remedies to climate change, the revolving door between politicians and war-industry (naming names), cooperation of Democrats, silence or misrepresentation in the media, accidents, violation of international treaties, and more

This is a re-broadcast of the December 27, 2019, edition of Loud & Clear.

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