Rupert Read – This Civilization is Finished: So what is to be done? (TWO of TWO)

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In October 2019 the global movement of Extinction Rebellion, that started in the UK, will be one year young. They credit the experiences of Gandhi, the US Civil Rights Movement the School Strikes of High school students and carefully designed their goals and strategy. On their web site <> they say that “We are facing an unprecedented global climate emergency. The government has failed to protect us. and we are using civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance to protest against climate breakdown, biodiversity loss, and the risk of social and ecological collapse.”

One of their strategies is for speakers, such as Rupert Read, to travel across the country and lay out the science of climate change and what role people can assume to prevent or mitigate climate disaster.

In part one of his talk Rupert Read explained why in his opinion the Paris Climate Agreement is already failing – in spite of the extraordinary fact that all but one country, the US, are part of it. Rupert Read continues the list of actions we can take now, among them: Deep adaptation – Holding Action and Rebellion. At all Extinction Rebellion lectures and town halls there is much time set aside for discussion and Q and A. This program includes some of them.

Rupert Read was recorded at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, UK, on Nov. 7, 2018. He is teaching philosophy at the University of East Anglia, UK and he is a long time Green Party politician. His most recent book is: This Civilization is Finished, Conversations on the end of Empire – and what lies beyond. It is a conversation between Rupert Read and Samuel Alexander – with a postscript by Helena Norberg Hodge.

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