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The Public Banking Revolution – Ellen Brown, Paul Jay and Richard Wolff

Does Public Banking Work – Project Censored named The Public Banking Revolution one of the top 25 most censored stories of 2020. The independent media pointed out that a public banking system on a national scale could finance the Green New Deal, as Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation did. A state or city based Public Bank can keep money local and fund projects like affordable housing and infrastructure without concern for maximizing profits or shareholder returns. A living example for such a bank already exists for 100 years in the Bank of North Dakota.
Economist Richard Wolff appreciated Gov. Gavin Newsom’s approval of a bill allowing local governments in California to establish public banks. Wolff said if people only knew how public [ . . . ]

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Black History Month – Fred Gray – Civil Rights Attorney for Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King

Updated Archive
Who was the attorney for Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King at the beginning of the Civil Rights movement? Fred Gray, just out of law school, had made a commitment to destroy everything segregated in his home state of Alabama when he was in high school. Rosa Parks was only his second case, after Claudette Colvin, a teenager, who nine months earlier had been the first to refuse to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus and in turn inspired Rosa Parks.
When Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955 for violating the segregated seating ordinance, 26-year-old Martin Luther King was chosen to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and 24-year-old Fred Gray also became his and the movement’s lawyer. Gray’s [ . . . ]

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Prof. Michael Hudson on the Rentier Economy

Polarization, Then a Crash In December 2020, Lynn Fries, founder and producer of GPEnewsdocs interviewed the economist Michael Hudson. Lynn’s focus is on the global political economy.
Among contemporary economists Michael Hudson uses and refines terms that explain the specific brand of today’s finance capitalism. That includes the acronym “FIRE” and the term “Rentier Economy”. The FIRE sector, says Hudson, stands for Finance, Insurance and Real Estate. Hudson uses the term to make clear that we are experiencing a huge power shift from industrial to finance capitalism.
Lynn Fries wrote in a brief introduction on her website that she wanted to explore with Michael Hudson how: “Allied with landlords and monopolists, this powerful finance sector is extracting economic [ . . . ]

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Prof. Michael Hudson and Paul Jay

Financialization and De-Industrialization
Paul Jay, the former CEO of The Real News Network, now is founder and publisher of theAnalysis.news and President of Counterspin Films.
On November 2, 2020 he invited the renowned economist Michael Hudson on theAnalysis.news.
Michael Hudson is professor of economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and a researcher at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. He’s also a former Wall Street analyst.
Jay and Hudson began by discussing whether Trump policies have brought jobs and industries back home – as Trump still claims. They also discuss the huge and mounting Covid related debt of ordinary people and the need for writing it down.
Michael Hudson elaborates on the difference in the amounts of money in the Covid stimulus plan [ . . . ]

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The Treaty of Ruby Valley and Goldmines on Shoshone Land

In Honor of Western Shoshone Elder Carrie Dann – She passed on January 2, 2021
For over 40 years the Dann Sisters were keeping Shoshone tradition and land rights alive against formidable opposition: Expanding gold mines, confiscation of their horses and cattle by armed federal agents and nuclear testing and waste storage.
Christopher Sewall was Environmental Program Director of the Western Shoshone Defense Project from 1992-2005. He spoke at the entrance to the Nevada Test site at the Shoshone peace and anti nuclear gathering in May 2003 – unraveling the broken Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863.
We were broadcasting him on a micro power radio station LIVE into the high security area of the test site that was then administered by the [ . . . ]

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In Honor of Western Shoshone Elder Carrie Dann – She passed on January 2, 2021

Who will Protect the Earth?
On January second, 2021 a message began traveling out from Crescent Valley, Nevada. Western Shoshone elder Carrie Dann had passed and joined her sister Mary in the Spirit World.
For over 40 years the Dann Sisters were keeping Shoshone tradition and land rights alive against formidable opposition: Expanding gold mines, confiscation of their horses and cattle by armed federal agents and nuclear testing and waste storage.
In honor and in memory of Carrie Dann I’m returning to recordings I made on Shoshone land. In June 2003 we came in support of the Danns against the recent violent armed raids by federal agents on their horses and cattle.
The traditional Shoshone held council in a camp at the base [ . . . ]

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When Pandemics Changed History – Richard Wolff and Ellen Brown

Future of Public Banking – Professor Richard Wolff just finished another book. The sub-title is: “When Capitalism Fails to Save Us from Pandemics or Itself.” Longtime critic of the private for profit banking system, Ellen Brown, campaigns to return control of money and credit to states, cities, and communities. She invited Richard Wolff to a an interview on Zoom on December 17, 2020. The 30 minute conversation is archived on the YouTube channel of The Public Banking Institute, founded in 2011 by Ellen Brown.
She is an attorney and author of 12 books, among them “Web of Debt” and “The Public Bank Solution”. Here she traces the history and evolution of the current private banking system, showing how it took [ . . . ]

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Dangers from Drugs Manufactured Overseas – Two / With Katherine Eban and Dr. Harry Lever

With Katherine Eban, author of “Bottle of Lies”, and Dr. Harry Lever In the first of this two part program we heard that nearly 80 percent of the active ingredients of all brand-name and generic drugs as well as almost all antibiotics in the U.S. are made outside of the country without any effective oversight, mostly in China and India. There is growing evidence that many of these drugs can be ineffective at best or contain toxic ingredients.
Katherine Eban’s book: “Bottle of Lies” is the detective story – now in the hands of medical staff, FDA administrators and those who fight for disclosure and safer medicines.
This program opens with Katherine Eban’s story of Ranbaxy, whose pills, exported into the US [ . . . ]

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Dangers from Drugs Manufactured Overseas – One / With Katherine Eban, author of “Bottle of Lies”

Katherine Eban’s recent book, “Bottle of Lies,” reveals that nearly 80 percent of the active ingredients of all brand-name and generic drugs as well as almost all of the antibiotics in the U.S. are made outside of the country, mostly in China and India.
Eban is an investigative journalist who has written award-winning stories that range from pharmaceutical counterfeiting to gun trafficking. “Bottle of Lies” is a New York Times bestseller that came out in 2019.
On June 17, 2020, Katherine Eban gave a talk for TEDMED, a series of TED talks that focus on health and medicine. Their mission is to connect science and the public by sharing stories that inform, inspire, engage and provoke action.
Next up are 12 minutes [ . . . ]

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From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima – Part TWO of TWO Arjun Makhijani – TUC Archives

Arjun Makhijani asks how it had been possible to exclude almost all military and civilian leaders of the WWII war effort from the Pentagon to the US government, including even the Vice President, and all but a handful of members of Congress, from knowing about and influencing the Manhattan Project.
Among the few in charge was the engineer and inventor Vannevar Bush. He was the first presidential science advisor and coordinated around 6,000 scientists working on war technologies. Bush was director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) in the Roosevelt White House, the very organization that initiated the Manhattan Project. 
Arjun Makhijani holds a Ph.D. in engineering, specializing in nuclear fusion, from the University of California at Berkeley. [ . . . ]

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From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima – Part ONE of TWO Arjun Makhijani – TUC Archives

This year Pearl Harbor Day is on December 7, 2020
Questions raised are: Why was the US fleet moved from San Diego to Pearl Harbor? Does the Japanese attack have anything to do with the US oil embargo? What were the original goals of the Manhattan Project and why and when were they changed? And who was in charge of this secret program when even the US Vice President or the generals responsible for WWII did not know?

Makhijani, originally from Mumbai, India, holds a Ph.D. in engineering with focus on nuclear fusion from the University of California, Berkeley. He is an extraordinary combination of historian and physicist.
Makhijani is President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, the website is IEER.org [ . . . ]

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Joanna Macy: A Wiser, Braver World

On the Summer Solstice of 2020 Joanna Macy, from her home in Berkeley, spoke at the Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Buddhist monastery had called for Awakened Action and invited Women Leaders to Speak to Race, Poverty, Climate, and the Covid Pandemic.
Joanna Macy is an eco-philosopher and a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. Now in her very early nineties she has for decades helped transform despair and apathy into constructive change. As teacher, writer of eight books and antinuclear activist she has created frameworks for personal and social change. Joanna Macy is probably best know as the founder and root teacher of the Work That Reconnects.
Thanks to Roshi Joan Halifax and [ . . . ]

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Gabe Brown – Brown’s Ranch in North Dakota – Part Two

This is the last in a mini-series about protecting the soils of the world from erosion and poisoning by agricultural chemicals. Industrial farming techniques along with climate change are causing the loss of 75 billion tons of topsoils each year.
On May 4, 2020, Jesse Frost had a farmer to farmer conversation with Gabe Brown on Regenerative Agriculture. Jesse farms off grid in Kentucky and hosts the No-Till Market Garden Podcast. Gabe Brown’s 5,000 acre farm in North Dakota is now run by his son and his son’s fiancé. Most of the Brown Ranch is in crops and grazed by cattle, sheep and hogs with a small area in no till vegetables.
Gabe Brown is now a pioneer of the soil-health [ . . . ]

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Gabe Brown – Brown’s Ranch in North Dakota

Interview by Jesse Frost on the No-Till Growers Podcast On May 4, 2020, Jesse Frost had a farmer to farmer conversation with Gabe Brown on Regenerative Agriculture.
In the current emergency, that is caused by climate change and the Corona Virus pandemic, a movement among farmers brings inspiration and hope to those who are looking for healthy food and techniques of farming without chemicals.
Instead of adding to carbon dioxide pollution by industrial farming and animal raising techniques, farmers like Gabe Brown and Jesse Frost are exploring ways of actually bringing carbon dioxide down from the air and back into the soil.
Every year the Food and Agriculture Organization in the United Nations is celebrating World Soil Day on [ . . . ]

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In Memory of Robert Fisk — His Warning, in 2002, of the Pending War on Iraq

Robert Fisk, the award winning war correspondent and dean of Middle East journalists died in Dublin on October 30. He was only 74.
Robert Fisk won more British journalism awards than any of his peers, including British Foreign Reporter of the Year seven times and the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism in 2002. The New York Times described him as “probably the most famous foreign correspondent in Britain.” And that in spite of his principle of speaking truth to power.
Fisk reported for the London Independent on Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria, without sparing responsibility of the United States and his native Britain for so much of the carnage.
He became one of very few [ . . . ]

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