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Richard Grossman – Dismantling Corporations (ONE of TWO)

Ralph Nader called Richard Grossman the preeminent historian of corporations. In his writings and teaching Grossman warned us that unchecked corporate power would lead to the destruction of democracy. He said that the American revolution was fought less against the King but “against the crown corporations, the Hudsons Bay and East India Corporations.” And he believed that it is time to remember that fight and assert sovereignty of the people over corporations and the corporate state.
In this speech Grossman provocatively calls for dismantling “the thousand largest corporations off the face of the earth.”
Richard Grossman’s research showed him that in the original intent of American revolutionaries corporations did not have rights, they only had privileges, and only those that we the [ . . . ]

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Feminist Theology and Women in the Muslim World (TWO of TWO) Archive

Special for International Women’s Month
This is the conclusion of Dr. Riffat Hassan’s extraordinary feminist lecture on the story of Adam and Eve, a story that forms the basis for the oppression of women in Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Plus my interview with her about her radical re-interpretation of the significance of Eve’s acceptance of the apple.
Dr. Riffat Hassan is a Muslim theologian from Pakistan who opposes the Islamic view of the inferiority of women. She says that since anti women legislation and custom are enacted in the name of theology, it is necessary to study the Koran and critique the source.
In the original text, says Hassan, women are neither inferior nor sinful. Adam is not a man’s name – it [ . . . ]

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Feminist Theology and Women in the Muslim World (ONE of TWO) Archive

Special for International Women’s Month
Dr. Riffat Hassan is a Muslim theologian from Pakistan who opposes the Islamic view of the inferiority of women. She says that since anti women legislation and custom are enacted in the name of theology, it is necessary to study the Koran and investigate the source. This required courage since challenging traditional interpretation of the Koran can be a capital offense. On the other hand we are all familiar with the claim that Islam has given women more rights than any other religious tradition. And Riffat Hassan decided to deal with that contradiction.
Riffat Hassan began her quest in 1984 when her feminist friends in Pakistan asked her to help define the theological argument for women’s liberation. [ . . . ]

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Prof. Jim White: Sea level rise and the melting of sea ice and glaciers (TWO of TWO)

Dr. Jim White turns his attention to ice. The accelerated melting of the Arctic sea ice and the ice caps of Greenland and Antarctica.
Concentrations of carbon dioxide – after water vapor the most important greenhouse gas – are measured in parts per million. The organization 350 dot org expresses in its name that – to be safe from catastrophic climate change – we should not go over 350 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. However in late 2016 the measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, went over 400 ppm for the first time in modern history. (And on March 9, 2017 the reading was 405 ppm)
When a visionary scientist, Charles Keeling, began daily readings for CO2 concentration from Mauna Loa in [ . . . ]

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Prof. Jim White – How to respond to climate change deniers (ONE of TWO)

When the Weather and Climate Summit was established in 1985 the goal was to bring together weather-casters and meteorologists from the U.S. and Canada with scientists and researchers. Their annual summit of 2017 was held in Breckenridge, Colorado, from January 8 to 12. One of the many topics at the summit was to prepare for the incoming Trump administration that was to include outspoken climate change deniers.
Dr. Jim White teaches at the University of Colorado. He specializes in Global change, paleoclimate dynamics, and the human impact on climate.
In a very entertaining and easy to understand way he addressed the five topics climate change deniers most often bring up:
2. How can we insignificant humans change the climate?
3. How can something like [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti: Theocracy VS. Democracy – The Political Uses of Religion

One 29 minute program (no Part TWO)
Michael Parenti says that democracy can’t survive under religious rule – whatever that religion may be. Parenti’s warning in this archival recording is as timely and urgently expressed as it was when this speech was first given on April 12, 1987, during the second term of the Reagan administration.
This talk is also very funny. Parenti explains how God may be considered as a “founding father” and why Woody Allen calls him an underachiever. It is easy to extend this timeless analysis to the present circumstances.
With roots in a working class Italian district of New York City and a Ph.D. in political science from Yale Michael Parenti has become an internationally known writer and lecturer. [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti: Fascism, The False Revolution, TWO of TWO

The overwhelming response from those who heard part ONE of this program was disbelief – how can an analysis made in 1995 be so relevant for 2017!
In this conclusion Parenti addresses: How western capitalist states have cooperated with Fascism as they saw Fascists as bulwark against communism. He reminds us that US corporations such as Dupont, Ford, GM, ITT, had factories in fascist Germany and after the war collected money from the US tax payers for damages incurred in Allied bombing raids.
Parenti says that we might do well to stop thinking of Fascism as either or condition. To insist that you don’t have Fascism until every vestige of constitutional government is destroyed and the jackboot is on our necks is [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti: Fascism, The False Revolution, ONE of TWO

A talk given by the political analyst and author Michael Parenti in 1995 sounds almost as if it was given in 2017 in the context of European and US elections. In his 50 plus years of lecturing at major universities Parenti returned to the important connection between capitalism and fascism many times. Actually over 32,000 times if you believe the search engines.
Fascism, as Mussolini said “..should be more properly called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.” And history, as told by Michael Parenti, shows that in all fascist societies, be it Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain, and into the present, corporate power increased. And that gain in power such as tax cuts, deregulation, subsidies for extraction [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti, The Supremely Political Court

Archival, updated to reflect Trump admin.
In February, 2017 the name of Michael Parenti and references to his 23 books and countless lectures are flooding the Internet. It appears that his writings on history, the demise of US democracy, capitalism and the rule of the one percent, fascism, patriotism and US First-ism that span the decades from the late 1960s to 2014 were meant to be read and used today.
Michael Parenti was born into a working class Italian family in East Harlem, New York City. He went on to receive his Ph.D. in political science at Yale in 1962. His academic career was cut short by his dismissal after he was arrested for protesting the US war on Vietnam. Parenti became [ . . . ]

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What climate change data can tell us about the emergence and spread of diseases

Dr. Howard Frumkin
On January 24, 2017, Marketplace, the American Public Media radio program, reported that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) abruptly cancelled a long scheduled three day Climate Change Summit that was set to take place in February in Atlanta.
On the same day Breitbart News – formerly run by the senior Trump advisor Steve Bannon, wrote: The CDC cancelation of their climate change event “is unquestionably a result of the Trump Effect: the CDC is one of many US federal agencies which have been forced rapidly to adjust their priorities…. the CDC’s job is to protect public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease… What does climate change have to do with this? Nothing. … The evidence that man-made climate change [ . . . ]

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Naomi Klein: Change the System, not the Climate

Naomi Klein is best known for her book: This Changes Everything, Capitalism versus the Climate. She wrote: … it’s not about carbon—it’s about capitalism… [and] we can seize this existential crisis to transform our failed economic system and build something radically better.
An important document towards building a better future is the Leap Manifesto. <https://leapmanifesto.org/en/the-leap-manifesto/> It calls for a restructuring of the Canadian economy and an end to the use of fossil fuels. The Leap Manifesto was initiated in the spring of 2015 at a two-day meeting in Toronto. Among those who wrote it were representatives from Canada’s Indigenous rights, social and food justice, environmental, faith-based and labor movements. And Naomi Klein gives a summary of the manifesto in this program.
Naomi [ . . . ]

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The Story of Aaron Swartz – Film on Radio – ONE self contained 29 min. program

ARCHIVE – On the fourth anniversary of Aaron’s death
The life and work of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz are related around the question what the internet can be in our lives: an instrument of surveillance or of social change. And as the future of the internet and net neutrality and the role of the FCC all hang in the balance again in 2017 the extraordinary life and ideas of Aaron Swartz are worth remembering.
This program is based on the soundtrack of the 2014 movie: The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. His death at age 26 on January 11, 2013, made the internet light up with grief and also anger at a judicial system that [ . . . ]

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Ice Core Climate Records of the World: – Prof. Lonnie Thompson

Lonnie Thompson is University Distinguished Professor at Ohio State University in the School of Earth Sciences and the Byrd Polar Research Center. He is the leading paleo-scientist who drilled and preserved ice cores from high mountain glaciers while others focussed on Greenland and Antarctica.
In 1952 the Danish geophysicist Willi Dansgaard made a discovery that opened up a completely new field of research. He found that the amount of heavy oxygen isotopes in rain correlates with the temperature at the location where the precipitation was formed. But more important in preparation for debates with climate change deniers is the record of CO2 that is also preserved in the ice cores. The correlation of temperature rise and decrease with increasing and decreasing [ . . . ]

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Prof. Lonnie Thompson: Melting of the High Mountain Glaciers of the World

Abrupt Climate Change and Our Future – ARCHIVE
This is a re-broadcast and partial update of one of the most appreciated and also rare programs by TUC. This program will be followed by two updates with Dr. Thompson.
Thompson issues a warning that the mountain glaciers he knows and loves are melting ever more dramatically within the last twenty years. He is the leading expert on glaciers with 30 years of on location research.
Thompson saw one of the first ice cores that was recovered from a glacier when he was in graduate school. He was fascinated by the amount of data on earth history, past climate and world changing events that can be read from these ice cores and made the exploration [ . . . ]

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