The Project for the New American Century (TWO of TWO)

Updated Archival Program
On the enduring power of the neo-conservative movement in the US

This is the conclusion of the reading of a once well guarded document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New American Century”. It was commissioned by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and others in the year 2000, before any of them were in government. Named in the text are the countries to be invaded: On the A-list: Iraq, Syria, Libya and later Iran and North Korea. This is evidence that the invasion of Iraq on false “intelligence” was promoted – successfully one might say – by a neo-conservative interventionist movement of which Cheney and Rumsfeld were two important players among many who are still active. The Obama administration can be credited to have intervened in Syria and Libya, albeit not quite “muscular” enough – according to present neo-conservative leadership.

The think tank, the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), that produced this blueprint was founded in 1997 by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, to this day leaders in the Neo-Conservative movement. Kagan was an official advisor to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State and he is expected to take on an important role in a future Clinton administration.

The PNAC text gains new importance since the neo-conservative movement remains active and prominent leaders continue to influence both parties. It is a chilling blueprint for the expansion of US military dominance. In this reading of part TWO the call for US military dominance from space and the denial of access to others to space seems the most Orwellian.

“Superpowers Don’t Get to Retire: What Our Tired Country Still Owes the World.” by Robert Kagan


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