Anand Giridharadas: Should Billionaires Exist?

Are billionaires such as Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates the American Dream personified? Do they reflect a healthy economy? Or, as Senator Bernie Sanders has said, should billionaires not exist in the first place? Anand Giridharadas, Time magazine editor-at-large and author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World,” discusses why he agrees with Sanders.

This program is compiled from three excerpts: On Dec 9, 2019, Anand Giridharadas was Steve Paikin’s guest on The Agenda, TV Ontario’s renowned current affairs program.

Two months earlier, on Oct 8, 2019, Anand Giridharadas had been the guest on The Daily Show. The host, Trevor Noah, got into a fiery exchange with Giridharadas about his best selling book: “Winners Take All” and the Paradox of Elite Philanthropy.

The last segment is from: A Nation Brought to You by Billionaires from Anand Giridharadas’ YouTube channel
On Dec. 17, 2018 Anand Giridharadas took the stage at In Your Face in New York City to present a list of corporate sponsors. And Giridharadas made it very clear that the sponsors he is thanking are not those of the show but those of all of America: “Because what was supposed to be a republic by, for, and of the people is increasingly a nation brought to you by billionaires. And when billionaires are in charge of our schools, our politics, our arts, our news, and our public conversation, it’s important to keep them happy by thanking them for ruling us.”

Anand Giridharadas’ acclaimed book: Winners Take All, The Elite Charade of Changing the World offers a painstakingly researched analysis of a global elite who claim to be in the business of ‘changing the world’ while all the while preserving a status quo that favors their interests and obscures their role in causing the problems they later seek to solve.

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