Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: How to Save Ukraine from the US

Which country is the worst enemy for Ukraine – Russia or the U.S.      When Judge Napolitano began his interview with Jeffrey Sachs, his opening question was: Which country is the worst enemy for Ukraine – Russia or the United States? And Sachs makes the case that the loss of life and infrastructure in Ukraine in the proxy war against Russia makes the US a candidate for worst enemy. He also quotes Henry Kissinger who said: “To be an enemy of the United States is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.”

Jeffrey Sachs also explores how promises of NATO membership to Ukraine may have fueled the ongoing conflict; and why the peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia in March 2022 failed.

Jeffrey Sachs is Professor at Columbia University. There he was former director of The Earth Institute. He is an economist and public policy analyst and known for his work on sustainable and economic development, and the fight to end poverty.

As Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network Sachs works both in academia and at the level of the United Nations. He has worked as an economic adviser to governments in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Judge Andrew Napolitano is host of the podcast Judging Freedom. Once a week he interviews the same group of progressive commentators on war and current affairs. On July 1, 2024 he spoke to Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

DATE: 07/01/2024
CREDIT: Judge Andrew Napolitano’s podcast: Judging Freedom

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