Professor Peter Wadhams: The Politics of Climate Change

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Farewell to Ice in the Arctic  This program is being produced in Mendocino County at the beginning of September 2018 only 16 miles east of where the largest wildfire in California history is slowly coming under control.

Prof. Peter Wadhams is the UK’s most experienced sea ice scientist and was Professor of Ocean Physics at Cambridge from 1992 to 2015. He says that fossil fuel emissions caused the reduction of Arctic ice. Now the Arctic in turn is accelerating global warming instead of cooling the planet.

The Arctic ice sheet covered the top of the world and touched the coast lines of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Siberia for 100.000 years. In only 30 years the retreat from the coast lines during the Arctic summer accelerated and an ice free Arctic in September may occur by 2020. And the Arctic winter is no longer cold enough to restore ice levels.

At the end of August 2018 Peter Wadhams was interviewed on the Reality Report blog, produced by Paul Maginley and Brian Weinstein. And you can watch the whole conversation of YouTube.

Here are excerpts on the politics of climate change, the East Siberian Arctic Shelf, Blue Water Event, Methane Pulses, Sea Ice Loss, extreme weather events, and the deflections of the great global air current, the Jet stream, and the attitude of some political leaders.
Professor Wadhams was interviewed on August 22, 2018.

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