The Assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March, Michael Parenti – Archive

A People’s History of Ancient Rome with Lessons for Today      Who was Julius Caesar, a dictator or a populist? And who really was Brutus, who murdered him on the Ides of March? A young hero or a participant in a deep seated conspiracy? This intriguing lecture by the noted author, speaker, activist and scholar Michael Parenti provides surprising new insights and parallels to today that are both shocking and amusing.

This rebroadcast is part of the very popular and ever expanding series on what Parenti called Real History, a different and intriguing reading of a surprisingly large number all too familiar stories.

Parenti spoke about his Pulitzer Price nominated book: The Assassination of Julius Caesar, a people’s history of ancient Rome. He was recorded in the summer of 2003 in San Francisco at Modern Times Books.

DATE: Summer of 2003
CREDIT: Michael Parenti/TUC Radio

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