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The Colonial Urge to Make Money out of the Climate Crisis, Part TWO of TWO

False Solutions on the agenda of the upcoming Climate Change Conference, COP28, in Dubai
This is a report from the webinar held on October 26 by the Indigenous Climate Action. Panelists from Hoopa Valley, Bear Clan, Sandia Pueblo and Yuchi presented their in-depth research into false solution to the climate crisis.
By now there is agreement that the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of global heating. In spite of 28 years of annual meetings of the UN Climate Change Conferences heating has increased.
In July, 2023, the global average temperature was the highest on record. And the IMF, the International Monetary Fund, announced in August 2023 that Fossil Fuel Subsidies surged to a record $7 Trillion.
In response members of [ . . . ]

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The Colonial Urge to Make Money out of the Climate Crisis

The Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) and Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) are Unpacking False Solutions
ICA held a webinar on Oct. 26, 2023, to warn us of false solutions to global heating, such as carbon pricing, natural gas, hydrogen, hydroelectricity, geo engineering, carbon capture and net zero emissions.
The moderator is Carol Monture, the climate leadership Coordinator at the Indigenous Climate Action (ICA). She is Mohawk, Wolf Clan, from Six Nations of the Grand River territory.
The panelist are:
Julia Bernal from the Indigenous Nations of Sandia Pueblo and Yuchi, is the executive director for Public Action Alliance, Albuquerque, NM
Sage Goodleaf-Labelle was born to the Bear Clan of the Kanien’kehá:ka nation, in what is now Canada. She is a student at McGill University.
Thomas Joseph is [ . . . ]

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Ralph Nader calls for Ceasefire Now in Gaza

On November 3rd, 2023, The Ralph Nader Radio Hour issued this urgent appeal
This is a 25 minute excerpt from a one hour special edition of Nader’s weekly talk show broadcast on the Pacifica Radio Network and as podcast.
Ralph Nader, former head of Public Citizen, is an author, lecturer, attorney and talk-show host. Nader’s regular co-host Steve Skrovan introduces this special edition calling for Ceasefire Now in Gaza.
Nader is in conversation with Lara Friedman, President of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. She is a former officer in the U.S. Foreign Service, with diplomatic postings in Jerusalem, Washington, Tunis and Beirut.
Please go to the website to listen to the full one hour version of Ceasefire Now.
DATES: Nov. 3, 2023
Location: [ . . . ]

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Ilan Pappe: Crisis in Zionism, Opportunity for Palestine? (Part TWO of TWO)

UC Berkeley lecture by the Israeli historian, held on October 19, 2023
Ilan Pappe begins with declaring that to understand the situation today we need an accurate definition of Zionism since it was the leading ideology of the settler colonial movement that took over Palestine. Pappe compares the US history and the elimination of the Native inside what is now the US and the post 1948 conquest of Palestine.
There is now growing criticism of racism and land-grab by settlers in the US, while the world tends to excuse the Israeli settlers for their ongoing land-grabs. And expulsions did not stop with the 1948 war that established Israel. Pappe says that Israel removed 300,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza [ . . . ]

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Ilan Pappe: Crisis in Zionism, Opportunity for Palestine? (Part ONE of TWO)

UC Berkeley lecture by the Israeli historian, held on October 19, 2023
Ilan Pappe is one of Israel’s New Historians. Since the release of classified British and Israeli government documents in the early 1980s, they have offered a critical view of Israel’s creation in 1948, and the corresponding flight and expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians in the same year. Pappe has written that the expulsions were not decided on an ad hoc basis, as other historians have argued, but were done in accordance with Plan Dalet, drawn up in 1947 by Israel’s future leaders. In a 2004 interview, Pappe said “The aim has always been, and it still remains, to have as much of Palestine as possible with as few Palestinians in [ . . . ]

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Ilan Pappe: There is Still Time to Stop the Gaza Genocide

Frank Barat interviews the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe
The bombing of Gaza by Israeli planes and missiles had just begun when Barat and Pappe had this conversation on October 15, 2023.
Ilan Pappe is best known for his book: ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine’ Oxford, 2006. It is the history of the 1948 Palestine-Israel War and how around a million people were expelled from their homes at gunpoint, civilians were massacred, and hundreds of Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed. Pappe used newly declassified Israeli documents to prove that ’transfer’ aka ethnic cleansing – was an integral part of a carefully planed strategy in the 1948 war that led to the founding of Israel. Ilan Pappe is Professor of History at the [ . . . ]

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From The New School in NYC: The Peoples’ Climate Week Launch – Part THREE

The Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) brought members of The Black Hive to a Teach-In at The New School to address toxic sites in Texas and the ongoing Flint Water Crisis
You will hear from: Natalie Jeffers, Director of the Black Hive. Marsha Jackson and Mr. Alan McGill, from Dallas County, Texas. Nayyira, from Flint, Michigan (Flint Rising) and Aya de Leon, novelist and activist.
This is the last of a three part program bringing you rarely heard voices from that 4 hour event. You heard in part one from indigenous grassroots opposition to pipelines, geo-engineering, hydrogen, production, carbon capture and sequestration.
On the second program you heard about resistance to US military bases on the Mariana Islands, and speakers from Puerto Rico and [ . . . ]

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From The New School in NYC: The Peoples’ Climate Week Launch – Part TWO

Voices from the Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and Pakistan demand an end to fossil fuel use and war
The Indigenous Environmental Network – IEN – brought members and allies from across the world to New York City to take part in the 75,000 strong “March to End Fossil Fuels”. The march filled the streets of New York City ahead of the UN Climate Ambition Summit.
The IEN also held Teach-Ins and press conferences and on last week’s radio program you heard from indigenous grassroots opposition to pipelines, geo-engineering hydrogen production, carbon capture and sequestration.
On this program I’m bringing you extraordinary speakers from the Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and Pakistan. They spoke at the Sept. 19, 2023, event “LIVE from The New [ . . . ]

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LIVE from the New School in NYC: Day 2 of the Peoples’ Climate Week Launch

The Indigenous Environmental Network brought members and friends to NYC to voice their opposition to false climate solutions
Section ONE addresses pipelines, geo-engineering and hydrogen production from fossil fuels and nuclear power, and carbon capture and sequestration.
On September 17, 2023, over 75,000 joined the New York City “March to End Fossil Fuels” making it the largest demonstration pressuring President Biden to stop supporting the fossil fuel industry. The march took place ahead of the UN Climate Ambition Summit (Sept. 20, 2023).
That was a first-of-its-kind meeting hosted by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He is asking heads of state to bring concrete steps to keep fossil fuels in the ground when they come to Dubai in December for the upcoming COP28, [ . . . ]

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The ‘Slow Motion Execution’ of Julian Assange

Chris Hedges in conversation with Craig Murray
Chris Hedges is the former Middle East bureau chief of the New York Times, a Pulitzer Prize winner and acclaimed author. Craig Murray was the British ambassador to Uzbekistan and now is one of Britain’s most important human rights campaigners.
Thanks to The Real News Network for broadcasting Hedges’ conversation with Craig Murray on September 15, 2023. That’s a date of great importance as the extradition of Julian Assange from Great Britain to the US might be only weeks away.
Hounded by US law enforcement and its allies for more than a decade, Assange has been stripped of all personal and civil liberties for the crime of exposing the extent of US atrocities during the [ . . . ]

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The Environmental Impacts of Large Dams and Reservoirs with Patrick McCully, updated Archive

McCully was the executive director of the International Rivers Network
This is the second part of a program on the epic struggle over dams, displaced people and the environment, that I recorded for TUC Radio in 2006.
Patrick McCully was then the executive director of the International Rivers Network. They are supporting communities around the world that are impacted by destructive dams.
On their 2023 website International Rivers Network dot org list 217 dam projects around the world that they have helped delay or stop. Globally the building of mega dam-projects is slowing down but the world is left with dams and reservoirs that are decaying and becoming a danger to people downstream.
Just this morning, as I’m preparing this program for [ . . . ]

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The Environmental Impacts of Large Dams and Reservoirs – updated Archive

Jacques Leslie is a foreign correspondent turned non-fiction writer who once covered the war on Vietnam for the Los Angeles Times
Jacques Leslie discovered when he wrote for Harper’s that “At the core of every argument about water are dams, the modern pyramids, generators of extravagantly apportioned electricity, water storage, and environmental and social disasters.“
Millions of people have been displaced and some of the most fertile land been drowned. In spite of their size dams are not forever. Sooner or later they will all silt up and become expensive waterfalls. They pose a constant looming danger to life downstream when they fall into disrepair or are damaged by earthquakes or acts of war.
A battle is being fought by independent scientists and [ . . . ]

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Chalmers Johnson – Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic, Archive TWO of TWO

Johnson’s name is being quoted in the 2023 work of analysts and historians
Today’s analysts and historians say that one statement is more timely now than when Johnson first made it in 2006 that “nothing is more dangerous to democracy, than military expansion and war” and argued that the U.S. is in danger of internal collapse, due in large part to the vast expenditures required to maintain its ever-expanding empire.
Chalmers Johnson is the acclaimed author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis. He is a former analyst for the CIA and professor emeritus of the University of California San Diego.
Chalmers Johnson was interviewed by the California based author of “Imperial San Francisco”, Gray Brechin, in March 2007.
DATES: March, 2007
Location: [ . . . ]

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Chalmers Johnson – Nemesis – The Last Days of the American Republic, Archive ONE of TWO

Johnson’s name is being quoted in the 2023 work of analysts and historians
Chalmers Johnson wrote that “nothing is more dangerous to democracy, than military expansion and war” and argued that the U.S. is in danger of internal collapse, due in large part to the vast expenditures required to maintain its ever-expanding empire.
Chalmers Johnson is the acclaimed author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire and Nemesis. He is a former analyst for the CIA and professor emeritus of the University of California San Diego.
He was interviewed by the California based author of “Imperial San Francisco”, Gray Brechin, in March 2007.
DATES: March, 2007
Location: MLK Junior High in Berkeley

Ray McGovern, Veteran CIA Analyst on Russia, Warns of Nuclear War

An August 9, 2023, conversation with Robert Scheer
McGovern told Bob Scheer: “I spent six decades following Soviet and now Russian policy. Most of that time professionally… I have never, never had so much fear that we are on the cusp of a nuclear catastrophe.” They discuss why the danger is so high right now, and how a peace agreement could be reached.
Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst on the Soviet Union and Russia from 1963 to 1990 and advisor to seven US presidents. He prepared the President’s Daily Brief. In 2006 he protested the CIA’s involvement in torture.
Bob Scheer came out of the student movement of the 1960 and was and remains a journalist and author of books. He [ . . . ]

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