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Howard Zinn Centennial: The Occupation of The United States (TWO of TWO)

TUC Radio is joining independent media across the country in the Fall of 2022 for a celebration of the 100th birthday of this great historian
Howard Zinn spoke about the United States as occupied territory. He said that political and ideological power have been seized by a small group of radical anti-democratic ideologues.
In this part TWO Zinn talks about US exceptionalism, the myth of the US being number One, and the various forms of patriotism that cloud views and perceptions. And he asks how a war on terrorism can be declared – even though war itself is terrorism.
Howard Zinn was a historian, author, professor, playwright, and activist. He taught political science at Boston University and wrote more than 20 books, including [ . . . ]

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Howard Zinn Centennial: The Occupation of The United States (ONE of TWO)

TUC Radio is joining independent media across the country in the Fall of 2022 for a celebration of the 100th birthday of this great historian
Howard Zinn spoke about the United States as occupied territory. He said that political and ideological power have been seized by a small group of radical anti-democratic ideologues.
Howard Zinn was a historian, author, professor, playwright, and activist. He taught political science at Boston University and wrote more than 20 books, including his best-selling and influential A People’s History of the United States. Zinn died suddenly in January 2010. He was about to give two major talks in Santa Monica, CA.
He grew up in Brooklyn in a working-class, immigrant household. At 18 he became a shipyard worker [ . . . ]

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The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant in California may get another extension to operate

Diablo Canyon was scheduled to close by 2025
Governor Gavin Newsom got a bill approved in California’s assembly and senate (SB-846), that changed state law so the operator of Diablo Canyon, Pacific Gas and Electric, (PG&E), can receive at least $1.4 billion of taxpayer and ratepayer money to keep the compromised Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors operating.
Even before construction at Diablo Canyon began in the 1960s local and national organizations campaigned to prevent the plant from being built on the California coast line on top of several earthquake faults and in a tsunami zone. Placed half way between two major cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco, a reactor vessel explosion (a class 9 nuclear accident) would affect either metropolis – depending [ . . . ]

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Cecile Pineda with Harvey Wasserman: From Fukushima to Solartopia!

This is an updated archival program in memory of Cecile Pineda
Cecile Pineda had come to the Unitarian Universalists Fellowship Hall in Berkeley on Hiroshima Day 2014 to support Harvey Wasserman. He campaigns to prevent the opening of nuclear power plants – to limit their operation – or to close them down.
Cecile Pineda had just finished her novel: Devil’s Tango: How I Learned the Fukushima Step by Step, that the Nation’s John Nichols called: “An astonishing anatomy of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster…”
Cecile Pineda died at home on August 11, 2022. Her friends and students miss her voice, her humor, her deep scientific knowledge and her rebellion – all inside her art of writing.
This replay of her appearance, along with Harvey [ . . . ]

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Helen Caldicott and Michael Madsen: Onkalo and the Dangers from Nuclear Power Plants

A meditation on the 100,000 year legacy of nuclear waste – TUC Archives
As people using and promoting solar power we often jokingly said that we prefer our nuclear reactor in the sun at a safe 93 million mile distance. As humans have mastered one power of the universe and split the atom, the discovery has outstripped human ability to understand the consequences. We have copied the nuclear heating mechanism of the sun in 440 nuclear power plants along coastlines and rivers of the world and are barely aware of the danger they cause way beyond their place and time of use.
The physician and anti nuclear campaigner Helen Caldicott says that vast amounts of highly toxic radioactive waste are generated every [ . . . ]

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Helen Caldicott and Michael Madsen: Into Eternity – from the TUC Archives

A meditation on nuclear danger and war, and the 100,000 year legacy of nuclear waste
The shelling around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine and the managed acceptance of Onkalo, the underground storage site for nuclear waste in Finland, are in the August 2022 news while I am updating this re-broadcast.
Helen Caldicott called Madsen “One of the more extraordinary people I’ve ever interviewed”. This is a thought provoking exchange between the veteran campaigner, Helen Caldicott, who dedicated her life to alerting us to the nuclear danger, and the young Danish artist. In his documentary film he introduces thoughts about civilization, language, danger and eternity.
Into Eternity is a film about the building of the world’s first permanent repository for nuclear waste [ . . . ]

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The Secret Side of Free Trade – Vandana Shiva

From GATT to the World Trade Organization – TUC Radio ARCHIVES
When the rules of the GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, were re-written, and the World Trade Organization formally established in 1995, the world was promised peace, prosperity and an end to hunger. However the WTO, with now 164 members and representing over 98% of global trade, did not follow through on its commitments. Today, in 2022, there is no peace, the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever, and the environment is devastated by mining, logging, fishing and industrial agriculture. What role has global trade played in all this?
For example at the June, 2022, WTO conference in Geneva WTO members were mandated, under Sustainable [ . . . ]

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From GATT to the WTO – The Secret Side of Free Trade

…and the founding of the The International Forum on Globalization
How the rules of the GATT, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, were re-written and how, in 1995, the GATT became the WTO. The World Trade Organization enforces the rules of globalized trade and is the most powerful organization that hardly anybody heard of – to this day. The WTO can override a member country’s governments, laws and regulations if they are deemed a barrier to trade.
Against the background of the war in Ukraine, the collapse of the climate and todays extraordinary power of corporations, some business consultants are now warning that we are heading into an era of “de-globalization” with guaranteed disorder and scarcity. They say that global [ . . . ]

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The End of the World is Just the Beginning – Mapping the Collapse of Globalization

The author Peter Zeihan in conversation with Ian Bremmer and Sam Harris
Today some of the consultants who are advising business, finance and the military, are warning that we are heading into an era of “de-globalization” with guaranteed disorder and scarcity. Thanks to Sam Harris for hosting a debate on some of the causes of de-globalization on his podcast: Making Sense. Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, and New York Times best-selling author.
Peter Zeihan founded the consulting firm “Zeihan on Geopolitics”. His clients include energy corporations, business associations and the US military. Ian Bremmer is president and founder of the Eurasia Group, a research firm advising investors and business decision-makers with offices in Washington, DC, London, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Singapore.
CREDIT: [ . . . ]

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The Chris Hedges Report: Splinterlands Climate Dystopia

Looking ahead on planet earth in the year 2050 and the collapse of empires in the not-so-distant future With minimal edits here is an extraordinary conversation between Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and former foreign correspondent for The New York Times – and the novelist and playwright John Feffer, who is also co-director at the Institute for Policy Studies. A lively and inspiring discussion between two well-read people. And thanks and credit to the Real News Network where this conversation was broadcast on July 8, 2022.
In his dystopian novel, Splinterlands, Feffer looks at climate, refugees, collapsed states, militias and gangs battling over diminishing resources. Feffer begins with the fissures that are already around us.
Splinterlands is the first book [ . . . ]

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Women for Peace in Canada – Demands for Ukraine: Stop the Weapons, Stop the War, and Stop NATO

Tamara Lorincz in a July 1, 2022, conversation with Bruce Gagnon from space4peace There is a marked difference between the peace movements in Canada and the US. Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Canada, are campaigning for an end to the War in Ukraine, and for an end to weapons shipments. They also demand that Canada withdraw from NATO. Coinciding with the NATO summit in Madrid, at the end of June 2022, there were more than a dozen protests against NATO held from coast-to-coast in Canada.
Bruce Gagnon is the coordinator and co-founder of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. He invited Tamara Lorincz for [ . . . ]

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Vandana Shiva – Terra Viva – To Rescue and Heal the Living Earth

In a Zoom call on the summer solstice of 2022 in India and the winter solstice in Australia, the founders of Spiniflex Press celebrated the publication of Vandana Shiva’s most recent book: Terra Viva.
Among her many prior books such as: Soil not Oil; Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature & Knowledge; or Oneness Vs. The 1%, this is the first that might be called a memoir.
Her 50 years of activism and writing began with her volunteer work for the Chipko movement. Women in India embracing trees to save them from the running chainsaws of loggers, to taking on the World Bank, corporations such as Monsanto, and Bill Gates promotion of geoengineering and false climate solutions.
Find the one hour video of this [ . . . ]

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British home secretary Priti Patel signs an order to extradite Julian Assange to the US

Comments by George Galloway, Ambassador Craig Murray, Glenn Greenwald, and Assange’s attorney and wife, Stella Moris Julian Assange is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who cofounded WikiLeaks in 2006. WikiLeaks came to international attention in 2010 when it published material provided by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning. The material includes the Baghdad airstrike Collateral Murder video from April 2010, the Afghanistan and Iraq war logs and more. All containing evidence of war crimes.
Julian Assange is currently held in the high security Belmarsh prison in the UK pending extradition to the US.
George Galloway is a British politician and broadcaster. He was a member of parliament between 1987 and 2010, and then between 2012 and 2015. [ . . . ]

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Peace is the Result of Diplomacy, Never of War – Professor Jeffrey Sachs

An Urgent Appeal for Peace in Ukraine Rob Johnson is President of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, iNEP. They publish interviews on line and on June 6, 2022, Johnson spoke with Professor of Economics, Jeffrey Sachs, about Ukraine; the danger of nuclear war inherent in the current US/Russian confrontation (with reference to the 60th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis); and on US Exceptionalism.
Jeffrey Sachs is an American economist, academic, public policy analyst and former director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor. Sachs is known as an expert on sustainable development, economic development, and the fight against poverty.
During the dissolution of the Soviet Union he was [ . . . ]

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Tribute to Hazel Henderson and Edward Goldsmith – Visionaries of a New Economy

Historic Opposition to the Global Trade Agreements On May 7, 2022, I heard Hazel Henderson in a spirited one hour interview on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour. She was introduced as Nader’s personal friend and advocate for economic models that are based on principles of cooperation and sharing in our abundance. She sadly died, age 89, only two weeks after the interview.
Here is my tribute in memory of Hazel Henderson. I met her in 1993 and recorded her whenever she visited San Francisco. This is my archival recording of Hazel Henderson from the Healthy Cities and Communities Conference in SF in December 1993. She was applauded as a “world-renowned futurist, evolutionary economist, a syndicated columnist, consultant on sustainable [ . . . ]

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