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An independent movie on the question “Where does money come from?” became the most successful film on banking on the internet and was praised by notables like Catherine Austin Fitts, David Korten, Hazel Henderson, and Tom Greco. With over 2 million downloads between 2006 and 2009 and translated into 20 languages, the film has remained to this date one of the extraordinary teaching tools and inspiration for the monetary reform movement. This program is an update of TUC Radio’s 2009 Film on Radio version.
Even though Grignon has since produced two sequels that deal with bailouts and stimulus packages, and how to create a nurturing economy, this first film remains a must see in the opinion of Korten, Greco, and that [ . . . ]
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On July 15, 2020 Professor Richard Wolff was interviewed by Julianna Forlano, Senior Correspondent for act.tv and host of the Progressive Movement Coverage. Economists are warning Americans that the long-term consequences of the pandemic could be severe joblessness for millions of Americans faced with permanent unemployment.
Prof. Richard Wolff says that, along with climate change and covid, we are going through an economic trauma like the Great Depression and this trauma will shape the 21st century just as profoundly as the Depression of the 1930s did. He lists in detail solutions of the New Deal that would be of great benefit today but are not implemented.
Richard Wolff is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and currently [ . . . ]
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The Crash of 2008 & The Pandemic of 2020 On July second, 2020, the economist and former Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis, gave a webinar on how the current collapse of the world economy might change capitalism forever by challenging the survival of private banking and the functioning of the stock exchange.
Varoufakis’ thesis reminded me of a headline in the Sept. 2019 New Yorker from Bill McKibbens divestment campaign. It said: Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns. What would it be like to abandon not just a particular investment by a bank but the whole banking system?
Rob Johnson, President of INET, the Institute for New Economic Thinking, moderated the talk.
Yanis Varoufakis is a [ . . . ]
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As I’m preparing this archival program (Part two of two) for rebroadcast at the end of June, 2020, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to announce his government’s annexation of major areas of the Israeli-Occupied Palestinian West Bank.
This is Prof. Edward Said’s last major speech on Palestine given at UC Berkeley seven months before his death on September 25, 2003. He was born in Jerusalem in 1935, lived in exile in the US and was professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.
In this conclusion of his speech Edward Said gave a report on GAZA, still under military occupation. He also referred to the first and second Intifada, the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, and the beginning of [ . . . ]
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As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu plans annexing additional areas of the Palestinian West Bank in July 2020 As I’m preparing this archival program for rebroadcast at the end of June, 2020, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to announce his government’s annexation of major areas of the Israeli-Occupied Palestinian West Bank, including the Jordan Valley. Such an act would eliminate whatever possibility remained of creating a Palestinian state side by side with Israel which had been stated US policy prior to the election of Donald Trump.
This is Edward Said’s last major speech on Palestine, the war on Iraq and the Bush administration. On September 25, 2003, a message made its way around the world. Edward Said, Palestinian American, world [ . . . ]
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The events of 2020, the toppling of statues and discoveries of hidden history reminded me of events in early 2000 – soon after I moved my radio production and micro power transmitter to Mendocino County.
The State Historic Marker at the entrance to the Round Valley Indian Reservation in Northern CA read: “This valley was discovered by Frank M. Asbill arriving from Eden Valley, on May 15, 1854. During the same year, Charles Kelsey from Clear Lake also visited it, and George E White sighted it from Blue Nose” There is another account of the history of that day that is undisputed fact but forgotten. On May 15, 1854, the Yuki, inhabitants of the valley for over 12000 years, discovered six [ . . . ]
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Can We All Return to Normal Now? Dr. Michael Osterholm had told USA Today earlier this year: ‘We’re just in the second inning of a nine-inning game’ That’s why members of the Midway Chamber of Commerce in Minnesota met with him on line on June 12, 2020. He gave an update and they asked him questions.
Dr. Osterholm holds many titles and functions at the University of Minnesota, among them Regents Professor in Public Health, and he is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP). They work to prevent illness and death from infectious disease. CIDRAP translates scientific information into real-world, practical applications, policies, and solutions.
Osterholm is the author of the 2017 book, Deadliest Enemy – [ . . . ]
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When in the last days of May 2020 several respected institutions such as the Harvard School of Public Health, and the All Party Group on Air Pollution in the UK, came up with strong emerging evidence that air pollution is a major contributing factor to the spread of Covid 19, Dr. John Campbell took a closer look. Outdoor air pollution already kills 4.2 million people per year in the world.
Dr. John Campbell is a retired Nurse Teacher in England who has gone through rigorous scientific training. Since the beginning of the pandemic he has walked into his study – once or even twice a day – and turned the camera on for his welcome and given updates on Covid 19. [ . . . ]
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Even though his book: Winners Take All, The Elite Charade of Changing the World, was published back in 2018 Anand Giridharadas is still in demand as speaker and writer on that topic. The inequality of wealth and power has grown and Giridharadas’ reach now is international.
This is the conclusion of a one hour conversation. Towards the end of Part ONE John Dankosky and Anand Giridharadas had gotten into a heated argument over the efficiency of government with Dankosky making the case for those who claim that many government functions should be transferred to private companies.
Giridharadas made the counter-argument for the efficiency of the federal court system and restated his support for social security and universal healthcare. He also answered the [ . . . ]
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There are very few writers who went on a book tour – expecting to be done in 3 months – and 2 years later are still in high demand by TV and radio talk shows, universities, high level think tanks, and festivals. Even the Cornona Virus did not slow him down and on May 19, 2020, Anand Giridharadas was interviewed, from his home, for the International Festival of Arts & Ideas in New Haven, Connecticut.
In his book, Giridharadas asked hard questions about corporate philanthropy: Why, for example, should our gravest problems be solved by the unelected upper crust instead of the public institutions that the rich erode by lobbying and dodging taxes?
Elizabeth Nearing is the curator of ideas for the [ . . . ]
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Biden vs. Trump and Bernie Sanders – In this part TWO you will hear the conclusion of Chris Hedges’ talk. Hedges puts out a reminder of how Sanders was betrayed by the Democratic party leadership in 2016 – and now again in 2020 – even though Sanders had become a loyal follower of democratic party politics in the intervening four years.
Then we present an excerpt of an extraordinary interview of Professor Richard Wolff – also done by ActTVism Munich. Wolff analyzes why Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden and the recurrent phenomenon of Voting for the Lesser of two Evils.
Richard Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently teaching at New School University, New York City. [ . . . ]
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In this interview on acTVism, Munich, Chris Hedges also comments on Noam Chomsky’s endorsement of Biden, the mistakes of the Sanders campaign, corporate media, Julian Assange, the power of the US arms industry, the rise of fascism and the bi-partisan efforts to expand global trade that impoverish working people.
Chris Hedges is a columnist, award winning journalist and war reporter, a New York Times best-selling author, a professor in the college degree program offered to New Jersey state prisoners by Rutgers University, and an ordained Presbyterian minister.
acTVism Munich is a non-profit & independent online media portal in both German and English languages. Zain Raza founded acTVism in 2013 and is the senior editor.
Credit: Zain Raza, acTVism Munich
Date: 2020/05/05
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 28:58 — 19.9MB)
This adds to the Nuclear Power debate inspired by the Michael Moore film “Planet of the Humans” From the TUC Radio Archives:
This is a conversation between Helen Caldicott and Michael Madsen whose film, Into Eternity, premiered in the US in February 2011. Into Eternity is a documentary about the building of the world’s first permanent repository for nuclear waste in Finland. It shows not only the construction under way that will take 140 years, but introduces the people involved, the scientists, regulators and corporate executives who oversee this project. None of them will be alive when Onkalo, as the repository is called, will be finished in 2120; and they must expect this repository to remain intact and untouched by future [ . . . ]
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An interview with Olmo Parenti In his seventh week of sheltering in place in Milano, Italy, the filmmaker Olmo Parenti called the science writer and explorer David Quammen. He was sheltering in his home in Bozeman, Montana. Olmo had read Quammen’s 2012 book: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic; and asked Quammen how he was able to predict 8 years ago the rise of the Coronavirus pandemic. Olmo Parenti is a member of “A THING BY” a collective of young filmmakers based in Milan.
David Quammen has won many awards for his books and magazine articles, including from the National Association of Science Writers. His work with National Geographic is best known, and has taken him on many [ . . . ]
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An Interview by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee
In his 2012 book Spillover, Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic, the science writer David Quammen predicted another Corona Virus outbreak. At the end of March 2020 the editor of Emergence Magazine, Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee talked with Quammen who was sheltering in place in his Bozeman, Montana, home.
Their conversation explored the ways in which viruses are embedded in the same systems of ecology and evolutionary biology that we humans are. As we disrupt wild ecosystems and shake these viruses free, and experience the consequences, COVID-19 offers an opportunity to reimagine our relationship with the natural world.
Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee is a filmmaker, musician and executive editor of Emergence Magazine. David Quammen is an award winning science writer, explorer [ . . . ]
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