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Professor Peter Wadhams – The Fate of the Ice Sheet on the Top of the World

In early 2019 news about accelerated melting in Arctic and Antarctic made me return to trusted sources. For the Arctic I returned to Prof. Peter Wadhams, the UK’s most experienced sea ice scientist, professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge.
As opposed to the Antarctic, a continent of mountains and valleys covered in ice, the North Pole is an ocean covered with an ice sheet that touched the coast lines of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Siberia for 100.000 years. In only 30 years the retreat from the coast lines during the Arctic summer accelerated and an ice free Arctic in September may [ . . . ]

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NASA Scientist Eric Rignot on Melting Glaciers in Antarctica

A collaboration between Radio Ecoshock and TUC Radio archive Even mainstream media reported at the beginning of February, 2019, a sensation in sea level rise. NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, confirmed that a huge cavity — two-thirds the size of Manhattan and almost 1,000 feet tall — has melted into the bottom of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica. This glacier is about the size of Florida, and is currently already responsible for about 4 percent of global sea level rise.
Thwaites is sometimes called a culture changer since the collapse of that one glacier would raise the oceans by two feet, threatening so many centers of civilization that are built on the coast lines of the world.
Eric Rignot of [ . . . ]

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Happy 16th Anniversary, Seniors for Peace

From the archives of TUC radio, recorded in 2003  I’m recording this introduction on January 29, 2019 after returning last night from a huge, heart-warming celebration of the Senior for Peace in Mill Valley, CA. They live in the Redwoods Retirement Community just North of the Golden Gate bridge. Every Friday from 4 to 5 pm, rain or shine, ongoing and for the last 16 years, they walk to the busy intersection with banners, posters and hand drums, Cymbals, guitars and a violin and amaze passing drivers and the student of the high school right across with their songs and message for peace and justice.
On their web site they explain that they first came out in January 2003, when [ . . . ]

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Mary Oliver

When the poet Mary Oliver passed in her 83rd year on January 17, 2019, the huge response revealed her as one of the most popular writers of our time. That despite her refusal to be famous or rich, and the rare interviews she gave. She wanted her poems to speak for themselves and came up with titles such as Owls and Other Fantasies, The Leaf and the Cloud, Wild Geese and the Truro Bear.
A dear friend wrote to me: “I can’t think of a contemporary poet who better than Oliver expresses such depth of feeling and thought about the natural world, and what it is to experience earth as an animal in the web of life. And I like the [ . . . ]

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Ray McGovern – RussiaGate: The Absence of Evidence? (TWO of TWO)

Includes a clip from Noam Chomsky explaining his skepticism of the RussiaGate claims.
Ray McGovern served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. His duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief to Ronald Reagan’s security advisers from 1981 to 1985.
After retiring he became a trusted source of information on the falsified intelligence about weapons of mass destruction that was used to bring the US into the disastrous war on Iraq.
For over two years McGovern has focused on what came to be dubbed RussiaGate and in part ONE you heard about his assessment of Julian Assange, and the so-called hacking of e-mails of the [ . . . ]

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Ray McGovern – RussiaGate: The Absence of Evidence? (ONE of TWO)

The material for this program literally landed on my doorstep with a personal challenge – would TUC radio and you who have listened over time be open to hearing arguments that there is no evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections?
Given the speaker, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who I met and recorded before, beginning with the opposition to the war on Iraq; and given the expertise of the group of colleagues around him, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, VIPS; and given that this group expressed their doubts about Russian interference already in December of 2016; and given that no major TV or print media have given them a voice – I picked up the challenge and am [ . . . ]

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Ignacio Chapela: The Story of Corn -TUC Archives, October 2002 (TWO of TWO)

The contamination of the cradle of corn with genetically engineered seeds
Ignacio Chapela from the University of California, Berkeley discovered that genetically modified corn had contaminated the cradle of corn in the remote mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. The Zapotecan Indians have cultivated corn there for over 10,000 years.
In Part TWO Chapela questions why a biotech company can take out a patent on a living seed after making minor changes in the DNA. He also warns of horizontal gene transfer whereby an engineered gene from one organism may enter the genome of another species, including humans.
Ignacio Chapela is now (2018) associate professor of microbial ecology at UC, Berkeley.

Ignacio Chapela: The Story of Corn -TUC Archives, October 2002 (ONE of TWO)

The contamination of the cradle of corn with genetically engineered seeds
Ignacio Chapela from the University of California, Berkeley discovered that genetically modified corn had contaminated the cradle of corn in the remote mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico. The Zapotecan Indians have cultivated corn here for over 10,000 years.
When the report was published in the science magazine of record, Nature, it caused an international scandal. Apparently under pressure from the Biotech industry, the magazine attempted earlier this year to pressure Chapela to withdraw the story. This is Chapela’s story and the story of corn that needs to remain intact so future generations will be able to eat.
For more information:

The Soul of Soil – John Jeavons

This is part of a TUC Radio mini series on Soil, a response to the devastating forest fires in California in 2018.
John Jeavons is a master farmer, educator, researcher, author and Director of the non-profit Ecology Action. He has spent the last 43 years developing and teaching a way of farming and gardening that is free from fossil fuel chemicals; and instead of depleting the soils to grow food is actually enhancing and building the soil. When I first met him at KPFA radio in Berkeley 30 years ago he made the organic farmers uncomfortable by suggesting that they were still not sustainable as long as they imported huge quantities of compost from somewhere else.
John Jeavons gave me permission to [ . . . ]

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Governor Jerry Brown. Last chance to do the right thing for Death Row

Mike Farrell, activist, humanitarian, actor, author, and president of Death Penalty Focus is appealing to Jerry Brown as he is getting ready to leave office at the end of December 2018. Farrell’s petition asks Brown to declare a moratorium on executions and to commute all death sentences to life in prison.
Today California has the largest population on death row of any US State. Of 747 condemned, 60% are people of color. Twenty US states have already abandoned the death penalty – why not California?
I heard Mike Farrell’s appeal on Thom Hartmann’s program on December 4 and got permission to quote from their conversation. I explained to the Hartmann’s that I had a rare recording of Jerry Brown from 1998, when [ . . . ]

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Vandana Shiva: Soil Not Oil, Special

With Material from TUC Radio’s Archive – As we are becoming more aware that industrial agriculture is a major cause of greenhouse gas emissions that bring about climate change – Vandana Shiva and others are now making the case that restoring the soil, and recovering organic agriculture around the world can not only dramatically limit climate change but even has the capacity to sequester carbon back into the soil, that has been emitted in the past.
This is a 29 minute special based on the keynote speech by the Indian physicist, ecologist, seed collector, anti GMO and anti-Monsanto campaigner, and teacher of organic agriculture at the Soil not Oil conference in September 2015. Vandana Shiva is also an acclaimed author and [ . . . ]

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Paul Stamets: Mushrooms, Bees, and Saving the World, 2018

Special 29 min. edit of the 2015 60 min. TUC program As forests burn across the US and misguided attempts to prevent fires by clear-cutting or raking the forest floor are being proposed, TUC Radio remembers the mycologist and author Paul Stamets. He is calling attention to the fact that old growth forests contain organisms that can heal us, feed us, or kill us.
More than any other scientist practicing today, Paul Stamets has dedicated himself to the life of fungi and that of their underground support system, the mycelium. Stamets says that the mycelia are soil magicians. They give rise not just to mushrooms but form an integral part of the forest ecosystem. The mycelia are disassemblers, creating the debris [ . . . ]

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Fire and the Underground Life in the Forest – Peter Wohlleben and Suzanne Simard

As California tries to come to terms with the largest and deadliest fires of 2018, attention falls on forests. Logging companies want more clear-cuts. Donald Trump says the forest floor should be cleaned with rakes.
Indigenous elders and visionary foresters say that nobody is asking the trees what they want and need. Especially now as the heat is rising, water becomes scarce and winds are fiercer.
Peter Wohlleben is the author of: “The Hidden Life of Trees: What they Feel, How they Communicate: Discoveries from a Secret World”. He is a German forester who became disenchanted by the technologies he was expected to employ. He now manages a 4000 year old beech tree forest in Germany. He was interviewed by Steve Paikin [ . . . ]

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Restoring the Forest – the Indian Way, Dennis Martinez

Edited Archival – Re-released on Nov. 13, 2018 – on day six of the fire that destroyed Paradise
Maria’s introduction: Even though the so far most deadly fire of Northern California is over 100 miles away it fills the air with an acrid smoke that has obscured the sun for days now. The town of Paradise went up in flames.
It’s a little over 20 years ago that I recorded the documentary that you will hear again. My visit to Mountain Grove, Oregon, opened up a part of Native American history and culture and forest practice. That gave me hope that maybe we could undo and heal the damage that Western European settlement and industrial forest practice had done to the peoples [ . . . ]

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The Story of Aaron Swartz – ONE self contained 29 min. program

ARCHIVE for the 5th annual Aaron Swartz Day, November 10, 2018
This program is based on the soundtrack of the 2014 movie: The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. His death at age 26 on January 11, 2013, made the internet light up with grief and also anger at a judicial system that haunted and hunted him. He was facing 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines for bulk-downloading from a site, JSTOR, that was freely available to Massachusetts Institute of Technology students.
“Aaron’s story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity” said director, Brian Knappenberger. “This is the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From [ . . . ]

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