
Independent Radio on CDs, DVDs and the Internet

The JFK Assassination and the Gangster Nature of the State, Michael Parenti (ONE of TWO)

TUC Radio Archives re-broadcast on the 61st anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination       Parenti criticizes the lone assassin theory, goes over details of the murder and addresses the bitter question that haunts so many, whether government agencies of a democratic country participated in the assassination of an elected President. This is one of Parenti’s most highly acclaimed talks, ending with a standing ovation. He spoke on the 30th anniversary of the assassination in Berkeley, CA.
When Oliver Stone’s movie JFK opened in December 1991 a huge PR campaign was mobilized against the film. Even progressives spoke out. Noam Chomsky wrote in support of the Warren Commission’s lone assassin findings. In contrast Michael Parenti supported Stone and began by examining what he calls “the [ . . . ]

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The World According to Trump with Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Chris Hedges gets the first take on the November 2024 Election     Here are excerpts from an extraordinary 54 minute conversation on the current and future wars coming out of the transition from the Biden to the Trump administration. With his extensive insights and expertise into the Middle East and American foreign policy, Lawrence Wilkerson provides a valuable understanding into what a Trump presidency may look like outside of the borders of America.
It’s hard to imagine two better matched partners in this conversation. Chris Hedges is a former war reporter for the New York Times, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson was a former war planner and chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Christopher Hedges is an American journalist, author, and Presbyterian [ . . . ]

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The birth of Israel and the death of Zionism – Israeli Professor Ilan Pappe

Why the Zionist project embraced settler colonialism and why it will ultimately fail to achieve its goals     Here are excerpts from a much longer interview with the Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, first broadcast on the Middle East Eye channel on November first 2024. This program goes into distribution on November 5, 24 – election day in the U.S. – where support for Israel’s bombing of Gaza has an outsized influence on the outcome.
Thanks to Middle East Eye (MEE) for the excerpts. They are a UK-based news website founded in 2014 and cover the Middle East and North Africa. Mohamed Hassan welcomed Ilan Pappe to their studios in London. Pappe is one of Israel’s New Historians. Since the release of British [ . . . ]

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Jeffrey Sachs on: BRICS New Currency UNVEILED, Iran-Israel War & WW3

Danny Haiphong interviews Jeffrey Sachs on the 2024 BRICS Summit     The annual BRICS summit was held on Oct. 22–24 in Russia’s southwestern city of Kazan. BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The group started in 2006, and has since doubled in numbers. This was the first BRICS summit to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates as members.
Thirteen nations have now been added as partner countries of BRICS: Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.
The aim of the BRICS alliance is to challenge the economic and political monopoly of the West. So-called Western Governments, and analysts and podcasters are now trying to make sense of what this [ . . . ]

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Sea Shepherd Ocean Protectors – Captain Paul Watson, TUC Archives

With an update on the arrest, on July 21,2024, of Paul Watson on a Japanese warrant     This is an archival TUC Radio program from 2016. You will hear Captain Paul Watson describe his extraordinary journey saving whales and life in the oceans. Paul Watson was co-founder of Greenpeace and CEO of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. He was commander on seven different Sea Shepherd ships since 1978 and now, at age 73, leads vessels under the flag of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation. Thanks to the French Thinkerview collective for the interview.
This archival program has contemporary significance: On October 23, 2024, the day this program is being placed back into distribution, Paul Watson remains in prison in the capital city [ . . . ]

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Nuclear War – Annie Jacobsen’s Reasons for Peace

Against the Threats of Use of Nuclear Weapons by NATO, the U.S., Russia and Israel     The investigative journalist and acclaimed author, specializing in weapons and war, Annie Jacobsen, has come closer than other investigators to the razor edge of secrecy that surrounds the current nuclear war machine. Her book, Nuclear War, is based on hundreds of interviews with war planners and engineers – plus recently declassified documents.
Annie Jacobsen, reminds us that a Doomsday killing machine has been designed, capable of destroying not just two cities but life on this planet – first with fire and heat and then seven to ten years of darkness and ice sheets from nuclear winter.
Annie Jacobsen’s book, Nuclear War, A Scenario, has 373 pages of [ . . . ]

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The Greek economist, scholar and politician Yanis Varoufakis reflects on one year of genocide in Gaza

On October 2, the French author and film producer Frank Barat invited him to a conversation    Yanis Varoufakis comments on the role of global powers, particularly the United States, in perpetuating the war on Gaza. Frank Barat asks him about the unparalleled violence, the media’s portrayal of the situation, and the historical context of Zionism.
These are excerpts from a 35 minute interview of the Greek university lecturer, economist and politician Yanis Varoufakis. Since 2018, he has been Secretary-General of the Democracy in Europe movement, a left-wing pan-European party he co-founded in 2016. Previously, he was Greece’s Minister of Finance during much of 2015. Varoufakis’ most recent book is Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism.
You can find the full 35 minute interview under [ . . . ]

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The Killing of Hassan Nasrallah – Analysis by Alastair Crooke

The former British diplomat Alastair Crooke is interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano    Hassan Nasrallah led Hezbollah in Lebanon for more than three decades and made it into a military and political force. Nasrallah’s killing in a massive Israeli air attack in a southern suburb of Beirut raises fears of a dangerous expansion of Israel’s wars – even more deeply involving the U.S.
Alastair Crooke was a ranking figure in both British Intelligence with MI6 and European Union diplomacy. His specialty is political Islam. He was interviewed by Judge Andrew Napolitano on his channel: Judging Freedom on Sept. 30, 2024.
DATE: – Streamed live on Sep 30, 2024.
CREDIT: Andrew Napolitano’s podcast channel: Judging Freedom
The longer interview is posted on Napolitano’s podcast channel, Judging [ . . . ]

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Nuclear War and the Devastating Power of Nuclear Weapons – Annie Jacobsen and Steven Starr

When Penguin Random House prepared the release of Annie Jacobsen’s most recent book: Nuclear War, A Scenario; for early 2024, they did not anticipate that it would appear at a time of heightened risk of a nuclear war.
The risks include casual threats of the use of nuclear weapons over Ukraine or in the Middle East; as well as the actual attacks or threats to the nuclear plants in Ukraine and Russia.
Annie Jacobsen’s book is based on dozens of exclusive interviews with military and civilian experts who built the modern nuclear weapons and launch systems.
Annie Jacobsen and Professor Steven Starr explain how nuclear weapons and the highly automated systems that set them off, have become so much more deadly than in [ . . . ]

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Missiles to Ukraine – for World War III?

The Grayzone, Col Larry Wilkerson, Miami Herald and the New York Times     Print and Internet media in mid September 2024 were filled with speculation whether the U.S. would agree with the UK to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles to strike deep inside Russia.
The Miami Herald from September 16, 2024, wrote: US may let Ukraine fire missiles deep inside Russia. Here’s why experts say it’s risky.
The leading argument by politicians for an incursion into Russia is the often repeated statement that Putin plans to take over all of Ukraine and move on from there. A secret guarded for over two years now is the fact that the fist meeting to end the war, was held four days after the start [ . . . ]

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Prof. Steven Starr: Radiation Contamination of Japan with Radioactive Cesium from Fukushima, TUC Archive

Replay of the Fukushima Symposium, 2013, the first comprehensive analysis of the health and environmental damage done by one of the worst nuclear accidents of our time      Steven Starr says: “Long lived radio-nuclides such as Cesium 137 are something new to us as a species. Although they are invisible to our senses they are millions of times more poisonous than most of the common poisons we are familiar with. They emit radiation, invisible forms of matter and energy, that we might compare to fire. It’s not a fire that can be scattered of suffocated because it burns at the atomic level, it comes from the disintegration of single atoms”.
Starr gives an update as to what people in Japan are facing now [ . . . ]

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Timothy Mousseau: Chernobyl and Fukushima – Biological Implications of radiation – TUC Archives

The team studies birds, insects, microbes, and plants at over 1,000 sites, returning year after year. They found significantly increased rates of genetic damage      When the biologist, Professor Tim Mousseau, concluded this talk by showing heartbreaking pictures of the birds of Chernobyl and their tumors and birth defects, the physician and anti nuclear campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott stepped up to the podium to thank him.
She said: “I want to pay homage to Tim Mousseau, who with his colleagues is actually endangering his life by going into extremely high radioactive areas doing pioneering work, which is going to change the concept of radiation exposure to humans. What is happening to the animals, the insects and the plants is going to happen [ . . . ]

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We were told to go electric because it is safe and clean

Now campaigns across the world demand to keep nuclear power plants open.    A controversy between Helen Caldicott and Australian opposition leader Peter Dutton. He wants to build seven new nuclear reactors
On June 18, 2024, the Australian opposition leader, with his shadow cabinet, dropped the bombshell of making the upcoming elections in Australia a referendum on returning to nuclear power plant construction.
One day later ABC News Australia broadcast an interview with David Speers. They call this a decision between renewable energy and nuclear.
Only three days later, On June 22, 2024, the Australian antinuclear campaigner Helen Caldicott joined the debate with a line of reasoning that nobody had yet mentioned: Safety.
Helen Caldicott is best known for having founded several associations dedicated to [ . . . ]

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Data Centers lack the Electric Power for Artificial Intelligence. A new Law, signed by Biden, promotes Nuclear Power

Microsoft, Twitter/X, Facebook, Amazon and Google demand electricity for Data Centers –     On June 18, 2024, the US Congress passed the misnamed “Advance Act” that will provide electric power to data-centers.
The Advance Act aims to expedite the development of next generation nuclear reactors and pays to support aging ones. It directs the Department of Energy to reduce regulatory cost for advanced reactors and provides deployment incentives.
Joe Biden signed the Advance Act into law on July 9, 2024. All this while so-called modern societies have not yet cleaned up the damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. And the so-called “spent” highly radioactive nuclear fuel is still piling up at the power plants. With one exception, Onkalo [ . . . ]

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Artificial Intelligence and the Resurgence of Nuclear Power and Uranium Mining – With Amir Adnani, Linda Pentz Gunter and Elon Musk

A new argument is emerging in favor of using nuclear to cover the increased power demands of Artificial Intelligence, and – almost as an afterthought – fuel the green transition to solar and wind.
Legislation in Congress, such as the Advance Act, supported by the Biden administration, has already passed, with bi—partisan support, as recently as June 2024. It is written to fund all stages of the cycle – from uranium mining to accelerated building and licensing of new nuclear power plants.
Strangely the mining industry has always prepared for the new market in uranium. And we all would have known had we attended their conferences. The program begins with an interview from the World’s Premier Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention. They [ . . . ]

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