
Independent Radio on CDs, DVDs and the Internet

Restoring the Forest – the Indian Way, Dennis Martinez

Edited Archival – Re-released on Nov. 13, 2018 – on day six of the fire that destroyed Paradise
Maria’s introduction: Even though the so far most deadly fire of Northern California is over 100 miles away it fills the air with an acrid smoke that has obscured the sun for days now. The town of Paradise went up in flames.
It’s a little over 20 years ago that I recorded the documentary that you will hear again. My visit to Mountain Grove, Oregon, opened up a part of Native American history and culture and forest practice. That gave me hope that maybe we could undo and heal the damage that Western European settlement and industrial forest practice had done to the peoples [ . . . ]

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The Story of Aaron Swartz – ONE self contained 29 min. program

ARCHIVE for the 5th annual Aaron Swartz Day, November 10, 2018
This program is based on the soundtrack of the 2014 movie: The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz. His death at age 26 on January 11, 2013, made the internet light up with grief and also anger at a judicial system that haunted and hunted him. He was facing 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines for bulk-downloading from a site, JSTOR, that was freely available to Massachusetts Institute of Technology students.
“Aaron’s story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity” said director, Brian Knappenberger. “This is the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From [ . . . ]

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IPCC report, October 2018, How did the media in the UK cover this report

Only 12 years left to save ourselves – The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, representing 195 countries, met in South Korea to discuss and then release to the public the IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 ºC above pre-industrial levels.
In the preceding TUC Radio program you heard examples from the very limited media coverage in the US  – in  this program you will hear excerpts from the extensive coverage in the UK, produced by the news departments at Sky News, the BBC, Channel 4, and ITV. They also paid attention to Donald Trump. The program ends with an extensive interview with Myron Ebell from the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He was environmental adviser to Donald Trump [ . . . ]

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IPCC Report October 2018 – Only 12 years left to save ourselves

Even though the October 8, 2018 release of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report was meant to jolt humanity into action to bring down carbon dioxide releases within 12 years to avoid global catastrophe – a stunned silence fell upon most of the world media.
Two scientists, who have been on TUC Radio before, are imploring us to notice that the IPCC’s report is not urgent enough. They are Professor Peter Wadhams, Emeritus Professor of Polar Ocean Physics, Cambridge University; and Professor Kevin Anderson from the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester.
My thanks go out to Stuart Scott, with the United Planet Faith and Science Initiative and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now for giving them a [ . . . ]

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Professor Ilan Pappe: The Idea of Israel

A History of Power and Knowledge
The Israeli historian Ilan Pappe spoke on September 14, 2018, at the City Club of Cleveland.
Attempts were made to prevent Prof. Pappe from speaking, however the President of the Board of Directors of the City Club explained why they did not retract the invitation. She said that a forum devoted to freedom of speech will use this as an opportunity to reflect on the role the City Club plays in the community. We believe, she said, that our work requires us to listen and learn.
As the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians continues, many question the very representation of the Zionist state. Ilan Pappe, Ph.D., Professor of History and Director of the European Centre for Palestine [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti, The Supremely Political Court

Archival, updated 2018 to reflect Trump’s Supreme Court – In his extraordinary 26 minute history of the Supreme Court Dr. Michael Parenti warned us in 1995 that this partisan, aristocratic institution might one day empower an autocratic president. It seems that time has come and two Trump appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, can push the scales of justice in favor of their politics. Unless there is a groundswell to question and change the legal rules of that institution. Why is so much power being given to 9 unelected, non term limited judges.
Michael Parenti was born into a working class Italian family in East Harlem, New York City. He went on to receive his Ph.D. in political science at Yale [ . . . ]

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Jeremy Corbyn with Yanis Varoufakis (TWO of TWO)

Rescuing Democracy by Reviving Socialism
A Conversation at the Edinburgh Book Festival, August 20, 2018
Rescuing democracy from autocracy has become an world-wide challenge: how to curb the power of corporations and banks; and the parallel fights for education, housing and health, and the resistance against privatization across Europe and the Americas. And how to stem the tide of right wing movements be they in the US, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Greece, Hungary and too many other places.
Familiar names show up in an effort to create a cross border countervailing movement to support democracy and rescue the values and traditions of socialism as countervailing force to capitalism.
Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek economist, academic and politician. He was a Syriza member of the [ . . . ]

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Jeremy Corbyn with Yanis Varoufakis (ONE of TWO)

Rescuing Democracy by Reviving Socialism
A Conversation at the Edinburgh Book Festival, August 20, 2018
Once a year a tented village goes up in the heart of Edinburgh for the annual Book Festival. The best attended events of 2018 were political panels on how to curb the power of corporations and banks; and the parallel fights for public education and health, and the resistance against privatization across Europe and the Americas.
Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek economist, academic and politician. He was a Syriza member of the Hellenic Parliament and served as the Greek Minister of Finance from January to July 2015. He resigned in protest over the imposition of structural adjustment and bailout loans on the Greek people.
Varoufakis has since appeared in [ . . . ]

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Prof. Peter Wadhams: Arctic Amplification, Climate Change, and Global Warming (TWO of TWO)

New Challenges from the Top of the World (TWO of TWO) Fossil fuel emissions caused the melting of Arctic ice. Now the Arctic in turn is accelerating global warming instead of cooling the planet because the disappearance or thinning of the ice sheet in the Arctic summer has many serious consequences.
This ice sheet covered the top of the world and touched the coast lines of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Siberia for 100.000 years. In only 30 years the retreat from the coast lines during the Arctic summer accelerated and an ice free Arctic in September may occur by 2020. And the Arctic winter is no longer cold enough to restore ice levels.
In this extraordinary comprehensive lecture that Prof. Wadhams gave [ . . . ]

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Prof. Peter Wadhams: Arctic Amplification, Climate Change, and Global Warming (ONE of TWO)

New Challenges from the Top of the World (ONE of TWO) ARCHIVE
NOTE: This program begins with two brief news clips from NBC4 and Thom Hartmann as reminder that a most important but underreported news item for September is the status of the sea ice in the Arctic.
With increasing urgency Wadhams is calling attention to the disappearing sea ice of the Arctic. In his most recent book, A Farewell to Ice, he writes: “Our planet has changed color. Today, from space, the top of the world in the northern summer looks blue instead of white. We have created an ocean where there was once an ice sheet.”
In a lecture in Milan, Italy, in May 2015, Peter Wadhams explained how the melting [ . . . ]

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Professor Peter Wadhams: The Politics of Climate Change

Farewell to Ice in the Arctic  This program is being produced in Mendocino County at the beginning of September 2018 only 16 miles east of where the largest wildfire in California history is slowly coming under control.
Prof. Peter Wadhams is the UK’s most experienced sea ice scientist and was Professor of Ocean Physics at Cambridge from 1992 to 2015. He says that fossil fuel emissions caused the reduction of Arctic ice. Now the Arctic in turn is accelerating global warming instead of cooling the planet.
The Arctic ice sheet covered the top of the world and touched the coast lines of Greenland, Canada, Alaska and Siberia for 100.000 years. In only 30 years the retreat from the coast lines during the [ . . . ]

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Crazy Weather and the Arctic Meltdown, How are they Connected? Prof. Jennifer Francis

Each year in the last three decades scientists have paid attention to the status of the ice at the end of the Arctic summer. In past years observations from satellites and submarines have shown decreasing ice thickness and area covered for the months from June to September. That has led to an ongoing debate whether and when the Arctic might be ice free in September.
But scientist are not the only interested parties. There is growing evidence of the connection between Arctic melting and weather events in the Northern Hemisphere, droughts, colds, heat-waves as well as flooding.
Dr. Jennifer Francis is Research Professor at Rutgers’ University Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Her interests are the Connections between rapid Arctic warming and [ . . . ]

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How is Climate Change Affecting the Recent Heat Waves

For a 30second Preview/Promo click HERE

Professors Michael Mann, Jennifer Francis & Noah Diffenbaugh – At the end of July 2018 Climate Signals.org brought together three eminent climate scientists via Skype to exchange ideas on the impacts of global warming as they are now “playing out in real-time”.
Mike Mann is director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, Jennifer Francis is research professor at Rutgers University’s Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, and Noah Diffenbaugh is the Kara J Foundation Professor and Kimmelman Family Senior Fellow at Stanford University. They discuss  the recent heat waves around the globe, and how they connect with the changing jet stream pattern.
Prof. Michael Mann is lead author of a paper produced in 1999 Mann used advanced statistical [ . . . ]

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How is Climate Change Affecting the Recent Heat Waves

Professors Michael Mann, Jennifer Francis & Noah Diffenbaugh – At the end of July 2018 Climate Signals.org brought together three eminent climate scientists via Skype to exchange ideas on the impacts of global warming as they are now “playing out in real-time”.
Mike Mann is director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, Jennifer Francis is research professor at Rutgers University’s Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, and Noah Diffenbaugh is the Kara J Foundation Professor and Kimmelman Family Senior Fellow at Stanford University. They discuss  the recent heat waves around the globe, and how they connect with the changing jet stream pattern.
Prof. Michael Mann is lead author of a paper produced in 1999 Mann used advanced statistical [ . . . ]

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Rebecca Gordon on Nicaragua and Central America

an Interview by Community Radio host Jeffrey Blankfort
Dr. Rebecca Gordon begins with a short history of the Nicaraguan revolution since 1978/79. She describes what the Sandinistas had done for the people of Nicaragua in terms of health, education, and dignity, but is quick to point that neither Pres. Danny Ortega or today’s Sandinista movement bears any political resemblance to the Sandinistas of the 80s who captured the world’s imagination and ire of the United States, which has a long and ugly history of intervening in Nicaragua. In particular via the Honduras based and trained Contra.
She points out how Ortega and his wife Rosario Murillo had come back into power after making political alliances with the extreme right; and [ . . . ]

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