
Independent Radio on CDs, DVDs and the Internet

Testing the Waters – Our Radioactive Ocean (ONE of TWO)

Three years after Fukushima
In an age when the ocean currents are as well mapped as river systems on land there has never been any doubt that radiation flowing into the ocean at Fukushima would eventually arrive at the west coast of North America on the Kuroshio Current. It was just a question of time and what the risks might be once they arrived.
Canada was going to be the canary in the coal mine. The Kuroshio Current arrives there first and then branches down along the coast of the US. In February 2014 the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada reported at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Hawaii that they detected the radioactive signal as early as June [ . . . ]

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Helen Caldicott: Nuclear Power, Radiation & Our Health TWO of TWO

ENCORE for Women’s History Month/Fukushima anniversary 
This is the conclusion of Helen Caldicott’s keynote presentation at a public forum in Taipei, Taiwan, on July 7, 2013. Caldicott covers essential knowledge: How do radioactive iodine, strontium and plutonium affect the body? Why do the body and placenta mistake plutonium for iron and strontium for calcium and embed them in our organs and the fetus? Caldicott also covers the latest studies on birds in the Chernobyl and Fukushima exclusion zones by biologist Timothy Mousseau and she ends with a personal account of how she, as young med-student, was moved by the novel On The Beach. The author, Nevil Shute, describes how a nuclear world war III can poison the earth with radiation.
The organizer [ . . . ]

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Helen Caldicott: Nuclear Power, Radiation & Our Health, Part ONE of TWO

ENCORE for International Women’s History Month and Fukushima Anniversary
The keynote presentation at a public forum in Taipei, Taiwan, on July 7, 2013. The organizer was an antinuclear alliance of mothers called Mom Loves Taiwan. They are campaigning to prevent the opening of yet another nuclear power plant on that small island and invited Dr. Helen Caldicott to help inform the public and the media.
This is a brief and concise talk covering the nature of power plants accidents, the different forms of radiation released, and how exactly radiation acts on human cells and causes cancer.  
There are very few people currently alive who have given as much time and effort to the whole complex of the nuclear nightmare, as Helen Caldicott. [ . . . ]

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The Safe Food Movement VS Agrochemical Giants Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta and More (TWO of TWO)

With Vandana Shiva, Andy Kimbrell and David Bronner
Biotech corporations are now facing a huge problem of their own making, the so called super-weeds that have adapted to the multi year dousing of Roundup on 50% plus of the corn and soy growing areas in the US. Super-weeds are invading other industrial Ag. land and are spreading into gardens, parks and organic farms. Biotech corporations are currently driving the approval process for more toxic herbicides to eradicate these super-weeds, including 2,4-D, an ingredient of Agent Orange.
Andy Kimbrell covers the history of Michael Taylor’s astounding trip from Monsanto to the FDA. In 1992 the FDA issued a policy, that GMO crops are substantially equivalent to other crops and therefore do not require [ . . . ]

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The Safe Food Movement VS Agrochemical Giants Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Syngenta and More (ONE of TWO)

With Vandana Shiva (Navdanya in India) and Andy Kimbrell (Center for Food Safety)
Campaigns for labeling genetically engineered food have swept the US from California to Washington and on to Connecticut, Maine, and Alaska, Oregon and Vermont. Actually by January 2014, according to the Center for Food Safety, 26 states had introduced mandatory labeling legislation. People who participated in these campaigns realized with surprise and shock that they were fighting for a right that is already guaranteed in 64 other countries, including all the industrial democracies that we compare ourselves to.
The other shocking discovery was that such a simple and obvious demand, the right to know what food we put into our bodies was challenged wherever it was about to be [ . . . ]

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Fred Gray: Civil Rights Attorney for Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King

Black History Special – ONE self contained 29 min.program
Re-broadcast every two years
Who was the attorney for Rosa Parks and later Martin Luther King at the beginning of the Civil Rights struggle? Fred Gray, just out of law school, had made a commitment to destroy everything segregated in his home state of Alabama when he was in high school. Rosa Parks was only his second case, after Claudette Colvin, a teenager, who nine months earlier had been the first to refuse to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus and in turn inspired Rosa Parks.
When Rosa Parks was arrested in 1955 for violating the segregated seating ordinance, 26-year-old Martin Luther King was chosen to lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and [ . . . ]

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A radio documentary on the ITHACA HOURS community currency
This is the conclusion of a one hour documentary on the Ithaca Hours, the oldest printed paper community currency in the US. Founded in 1991 by Paul Glover, Ithaca Hours have been in continuous use, their popularity rising and diminishing with fluctuations in the overall economy.
You will hear interviews with an employee of Green Star, the Ithaca food coop, and with a woman who accepts Ithaca Hours for rent and describes traditional New England farm barter. The program ends with a long interview with a banker. Bill Myers was manager of the Alternatives Federal Credit Union in Ithaca. He explains why the bank supports the community currency, and accepts Ithaca [ . . . ]

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A radio documentary on the ITHACA HOURS community currency
During the Great Depression, when banks were closed so they could be audited, over 400 currencies called SCRIP were used in the US to buy food and services. When the banks reopened, sometimes several months later, SCRIP was replaced with the federal currency. Since the beginning of the financial crisis a resurgence of interest in alternative money systems has led to many new initiatives.
The Ithaca Hours are the oldest printed paper currency in the US. Founded in 1991 by Paul Glover Hours have been in continuous use, their popularity rising and diminishing with fluctuations in the overall economy.
Each paper bill is a small piece of art and a commentary on [ . . . ]

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Rethinking Money: How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity (TWO of TWO)

with Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne
This is part two of a 2013 global survey of community currencies, grassroots credit clearing and regional mutual aid systems. These are creative attempts to fill a role that the current monopoly system of money that is created by banks not only fails to fill but often undermines.
Bernard Lietaer is a former central banker and fund manager turned university professor and the Irish journalist Jacqui Dunne is CEO of an enterprise that assists entrepreneurs to restore the earth. Published in 2013 their book, Rethinking Money, is the most up to date international overview over complementary currencies and alternative systems of credit.
The real live projects that they describe, fall roughly into two categories, exchange [ . . . ]

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Rethinking Money: How new currencies turn scarcity into prosperity (ONE of TWO)

with Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne
This is a new book by the former Belgian central banker, fund manager and now university professor Bernard Lietaer and the journalist Jacqui Dunne. Published in 2013 the book is the most up to date international overview over complementary currencies and alternative systems of credit. The diversity of these systems is quite staggering, examples come for Poland, Brazil, Japan, the US and even the center of all banking, as some see it, Switzerland. But what they all have in common is their response to and critique of the current system of banking and money management.
Edgar Cahn, the creator of one such complementary system, Time Banking, legal scholar and speech writer to Robert F. [ . . . ]

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The Prospects of War in 2014: Professor Francis Boyle, interviewed by Jeff Blankfort

ONE self-contained 29 min. program
Recorded in the early days of January 2014, the focus, with some urgency, is on the prospects for war in 2014. University of Illinois College of Law Professor Francis Boyle, well known teacher of Constitutional Law, attorney and engaged critic of U.S. Foreign Affairs, was interviewed on January 8 by Takes on the World Radio host Jeff Blankfort. Jeff Blankfort is a veteran journalist and commentator on the Middle East.
Flash-point one is Iran. While negotiations are currently (January 2014) under way to lift sanctions a bill, S. 1881, has been introduced in the US Senate (Dec. 2013), over President Obama’s objections, that could bring these efforts to an end. Even worse, S. 1881 has language imbedded [ . . . ]

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Tom Greco demystifies money and banking and explains the destructive power of the current financial system. He says that our dreams of a sane, just and ecologically sound future can become reality only if we change the way in which money is created and used.
THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE PROGRAM BUT ONE self contained 29 minute program)
THE END OF MONEY AND THE FUTURE OF CIVILIZATION is Greco’s third book on alternatives to the money that is in use today.

Ellen Brown: Bypassing Wall Street (TWO of TWO)

A Public Bank for Mendocino County
This is the second half of a one hour program on how to set up a public bank. Ellen Brown, in her most recent acclaimed books, describes the functioning of the Federal Reserve in “The Web of Debt” and gives a blueprint on how to set up a public bank in her 2013 book: “The Public Bank Solution”. She came to Mendocino County, 100 miles north of San Francisco, to meet with people who already embarked on the path of creating such a county bank. You heard in part ONE of this program that a model for such a public bank exists since 1919 in the Bank of North Dakota(BND).
Maybe the biggest impact comes from [ . . . ]

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Ellen Brown: Bypassing Wall Street

A Public Bank for Mendocino County
Efforts are under way in one of the smaller counties of California, 100 miles north of San Francisco, to set up a local public county bank. Mendocino might be the first in the US since the early nineteen hundreds unless the city of San Francisco, where plans are well developed to create such a bank, beats Mendocino to the punch.
Such a public bank would be authorized to remove the county’s funds from the commercial bank that now manages the deposits. The County Bank would be able to use the same credit system that private banks use – which means access to the current 0.25% interest rate instead of the going rate of 5 to 8% [ . . . ]

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Paul Grignon: Money as Debt (TWO of TWO)

An independent movie on the question “Where does money come from?” became the most successful film on banking on the internet and was praised by notables like Catherine Austin Fitts, David Korten, Hazel Henderson, and Tom Greco.
This update of TUC Radio’s 2009 Film on Radio version opens up concepts for groundbreaking bank reform and explains three astounding quotes by American presidents:
“All of the perplexities, confusion, and distress in America arises, not from the defects of the Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit, and circulation.”
John Adams, Founding Father of the American Constitution
“Whoever controls the volume of money in our country is absolute master of [ . . . ]

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