
Independent Radio on CDs, DVDs and the Internet

Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, April 2024

A crucial effort to ship humanitarian supplies to Gaza and bring about a ceasefire    “We are calling on countries around the world to pressure Israel to allow us “free and safe passage” to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.” That’s a message from Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of CODEPINK.
She is one of hundreds of participants from 32 countries that are now gathered in Istanbul, Turkey, to sail on three ships to Gaza, carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid.
TUC Radio is helping spread the word of this crucial effort by quoting George Galloway from the UK, and former U.S. Colonel Ann Wright in an interview with Eleanor Goldfield of Project Censored. Also a brief clip from a news report [ . . . ]

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Billionaires are pillaging America. How to fight back? Chris Hedges with Les Leopold

Les Leopold is the author of Wall Street’s War on Workers   Chris Hedges interviewed Leopold on April 5, 2024 on The Real News Network. Hedges is an American journalist, author, commentator and Presbyterian minister. He hosts the program The Chris Hedges Report on The Real News Network.
Leopold co-founded the Labor Institute and wrote How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the working-class – And What to Do About It. Published on Feb. 22, 2024
This is a 26 minute excerpt of an extraordinary 54 minute video that I urge you to see on line under the title: Billionaires are pillaging America. How to fight back?
Please make use of the facts and strategies presented in this program, they might play a crucial role [ . . . ]

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Simon Michaux – Unveiling the Paradox: Extracting Non-Renewable Riches for a Sustainable Tomorrow

How to reach a sustainable future with renewable energy    Where will all the metals and minerals come from that we need for solar panels, windmills, batteries and electric cars?
Simon Michaux did 18 years of development and research in the mines of Australia. He knows that minerals and metals are already running short and that we need to create a circular economy based on recycling.
In 2015 Simon Michaux came to Europe to learn industrial recycling and the circular economy at the University of Leiden, Netherlands. Michaux is now Associate Professor at GTK, the Geological Survey of Finland. He works with governments, United Nations agencies, non profits and financial institutions to help develop the renewable grid.
He was interviewed by Tony from Sustainable [ . . . ]

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Norman Finkelstein and Chris Hedges discuss Israel and Gaza at Princeton University

They spoke on March 28, 2024 before an overflow audience   Here are highlights from an almost two-hour event streamed Live and archived by the Real News Network.
Norman Finkelstein is the author of many books, including the Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering; and Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom. He received his PhD from Princeton University’s Department of Politics and has held faculty positions at Brooklyn and Hunter Colleges, and Rutgers, New York, and DePaul Universities. Finkelstein’s personal experience shaped his life. His mother survived the Majdanek concentration camp, his father survived Auschwitz.
Chris Hedges was the Middle East Bureau chief for the New York Times and a vocal critic of the invasion of Iraq. He left the [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti: Capitalism’s Apocalypse – ARCHIVE

Why the rich can’t save anybody – not even themselves
2024 Tribute – Updated Archive:  Parenti predicted the financial crisis and said that giant corporate capitalism – by it’s very nature – is an apocalyptic system. When unregulated the built in elements of ever increased growth may well bring the whole system down. And he described the growing national debt not as a tragic mistake but as a means to shift ever more money from the tax payers to the financial institutions in the form of interest payments.
This speech is an analysis of the many structural flaws of a capitalist system that puts it on a permanent collision course with democracy. Recorded on August 23, 2008 at the closing reception [ . . . ]

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The Assassination of Julius Caesar by Michael Parenti – Archive

A People’s History of Ancient Rome with Lessons for Today   Who was Julius Caesar, a dictator or a populist? And who really was Brutus, who murdered him on the Ides of March? A young hero or a participant in a deep seated conspiracy? This intriguing lecture by the noted author, speaker, activist and scholar Michael Parenti provides surprising new insights and parallels to today that are both shocking and amusing.
This rebroadcast is part of the very popular and ever expanding series on what Parenti called Real History, a different and intriguing reading of a surprisingly large number all too familiar stories.
Parenti spoke about his Pulitzer Price nominated book: The Assassination of Julius Caesar, a people’s history of ancient Rome. He [ . . . ]

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Victoria Nuland Resigns – Glenn Greenwald and Ray McGovern Comment

Nuland was Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, the third highest ranking US Diplomat position     Glenn Greenwald is an American journalist, author, and former lawyer. He became a vocal critic of the Iraq War and American foreign policy. In 2014, he cofounded The Intercept and was the editor until he resigned in October 2020. Greenwald now is self-publishing on Substack.
The Hill is a source for policy and political news. Glenn Greenwald was interviewed on their news commentary show, “Rising”.
Five days after the Greenwald interview the former CIA analyst Ray McGovern speculated that political differences between Nuland and Biden administration officials may have led to her surprise ouster.
Ray McGovern served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration [ . . . ]

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Ilan Pappe: In Gaza now, it’s worse than ethnic cleansing

The Israeli historian Ilan Pappe is interviewed by Dareen Abughaida on Al Jazeera English     Dareen Abughaida is a Palestinian-Lebanese broadcast journalist based in Doha, Qatar. She’s currently working as the principal news presenter and host for Al Jazeera English. Dareen previously worked for Bloomberg L.P., CNBC, the World Bank, and the United Nations.
Al Jazeera English is a 24-hour English-language news channel. It is funded by the government of Qatar and the first world-wide English-language news channel to be headquartered in the Middle East. Al Jazeera broadcasts in over 150 countries and territories, and has a global audience of 430 million people.
Dareen Abughaida interviewed Ilan Pappe on Feb 25, 2024. Pappe is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. This [ . . . ]

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The War on Truth – Julian Assange with Yanis Varoufakis

DiEM25 goes Live Stream while London’s High Court decides whether Julian Assange can be extradited to the US    DiEM25 is a pan-European, progressive movement. They aim to democratize the EU before it disintegrates. DiEM25 members met by ZOOM on Feb 20, 2024, to comment on the court proceedings.
The moderator, Mehran Khalili, is an adviser to DiEM25 and writes about censorship and misinformation.
Yanis Varoufakis, economics professor and acclaimed author, was Minister of Finance in 2015, negotiating on behalf of the Greek government during their debt crisis.
Judith Meyer from Berlin, Germany, is a linguist and author and has been working for DiEM25 since 2016.
This recording, The War on Truth – Julian Assange with Yanis Varoufakis, is part of a 58 minute Live [ . . . ]

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Matt Simon: Microplastics Everywhere – in Water, Land and Air

Hosted by the Surfrider Foundation, San Diego, in January 2024  Matt Simon is the author of the book: A Poison Like No Other, How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies.
He traces how the plastic we are using and discarding breaks into ever smaller pieces that poison water, soil and the atmosphere. Scientists have found micro plastics in the deepest ocean trenches and in snow of the North and South Poles. They are in our food, and from there travel though our bodies. And most plastic is made from a mix of toxic petro-chemicals.
Matt Simon has been a science journalist at Wired magazine for nine years. He covers a range of beats, including biology, robotics, climate change, and of course, [ . . . ]

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A Poison Like No Other – Matt Simon – TUC Archives

How Microplastics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies
Welcome to this program from TUC Radio’s Archives, first broadcasts on Jan. 3, 2023.
Almost all plastics in use today are so called “petrochemicals,” products made from fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas. This industry is booming and plastics are showing up not just in manufacturing, construction and road building, but in our personal environment, our homes, households, clothes, furniture, and the food distribution systems we depend on.
The very thing that makes plastic so useful – its toughness – means it never really goes away. It just gets smaller and smaller: eventually small enough to enter the atmosphere and be inhaled, or be absorbed by food crops that are watered with sewage sludge. [ . . . ]

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Yanis Varoufakis – The European Union and the War on Gaza

Excerpts from an interview by 99ZuEins – a podcast on the channel 99ToOne Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek economist and politician. He has been an outspoken dissident voice in the western discourse on the ongoing war in Gaza.
Since 2018, Varoufakis has been Secretary-General of Democracy in Europe Movement, DiEM25, a left-wing pan-European political party he co-founded in 2016.
Nadim, from 99ToOne, spoke with him about the nature of the war, the purpose and function of international institutions and humanitarian law, as well as the peculiar stance of the EU and Germany towards the war.
These are excerpts from a 45 minute interview,recorded on Feb. 2, 2024. Thanks to Nadim at 99ZuEins – a podcast on the [ . . . ]

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Ambassador Craig Murray and Prof. Jeffrey Sachs on the International Court of Justice ruling on Genocide in Gaza

They are guests on Judging Freedom, hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano
On January 26, 2024, The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take action to prevent acts of genocide as it wages war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip but stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire.
Craig Murray is a Scottish author, human rights campaigner, journalist, and former diplomat. He is a political activist, campaigning for human rights and for transparency in global politics.
Jeffrey Sachs is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He is an SDG Advocate for United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the Sustainable Development Goals
Judge Andrew Napolitano is an American former [ . . . ]

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George Galloway – Viva Palestina, Historic Aid Convoy to Gaza

Israel’s War on Gaza waged from Dec. 27/2008 to Jan. 18/2009 – TUC Radio Archive
The story of an international campaign to bring aid to Gaza and break the blockade is inspiring at this time – and here is the audio from a film I made of a talk given by George Galloway in Berkeley, CA, in 2009.
Israel’s war on Gaza from Dec 27, 2008 to Jan 18, 2009, made more than 100,000 people homeless. Both Israel and Egypt had closed the borders to Gaza, preventing all aid from coming in.
British Member of Parliament George Galloway broke the siege of Gaza with a 2 mile long humanitarian aid convoy in early 2009. They entered through the Rafah gate on the [ . . . ]

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Chris Hedges Interviews Miko Peled, The Israeli General’s Son

How Israel Indoctrinates its People
Miko Peled talks about the distortions of history and why he left Israel for California.
Miko Peled’s father was a general in the Israeli army. Miko was a member of Israel’s Special Forces, although disillusioned with the military he moved from his role as a combatant to that of a medic. After the 1982 war in Lebanon, he buried his service pin. He is the author of The General’s Son: The Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.
As son of one of the founding fathers of Israel, General Matti Peled, Miko was guaranteed a privileged life in Israel. You will hear some of the reasons why he left Israel and now lives in California.
Chris Hedges is an author, [ . . . ]

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