Fossil Fueled Climate Change & War: Double Doomsday with Dr. Peter Carter

A speech on the one year anniversary of the climate destroying war in Ukraine Peter Carter from British Columbia, Canada, is a retired medically trained doctor with a background in environmental health protection. 

In 2009, moved by James Hansen’s public statement that the world was in a state of planetary emergency due to climate change, he founded the Climate Emergency Institute and remains it’s director. He published on global climate change science and impacts, Arctic climate change, risk assessment and biodiversity. He has presented at many leading science and climate change conferences including the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the European Geosciences Union (EGU). And he is an IPCC expert reviewer.

The IPCC and other United Nations organizations have warned us that fossil fuel uses need to be phased out by the end of the 2020s – Instead the war in Ukraine has become the largest threat to global climate.

DATE: Feb. 19, 2023
CREDIT: Climate Emergency Institute

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