Happy 16th Anniversary, Seniors for Peace

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From the archives of TUC radio, recorded in 2003  I’m recording this introduction on January 29, 2019 after returning last night from a huge, heart-warming celebration of the Senior for Peace in Mill Valley, CA. They live in the Redwoods Retirement Community just North of the Golden Gate bridge. Every Friday from 4 to 5 pm, rain or shine, ongoing and for the last 16 years, they walk to the busy intersection with banners, posters and hand drums, Cymbals, guitars and a violin and amaze passing drivers and the student of the high school right across with their songs and message for peace and justice.

On their web site millvalleyseniorsforpeace.org they explain that they first came out in January 2003, when the Bush administration threatened a preemptive unilateral war against Iraq. They joined peace-minded people around the world in opposing the war.

Sadly they continued to have reasons to come out against war – while at the same time doing their own organizing. They had already raised money to buy back guns – and when the students of the high school across the street walked out for gun control they joined them. Seniors for Peace protest the separation of children from their parents on the US/Mexico border, and also demand due process for Asylum seekers. And they are just beginning a campaign to abolish or amend the Electoral College and have set a date to meet with the Congressperson for the area.

The Seniors for Peace have become a respected force of organizing and campaigns in their area, the Mayor of Mill Valley attended and spoke at the anniversary – and so did a local supervisor as well as the Principal of the high school across the street from the Redwood Retirement Center.

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