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The Energy Nightmare of The Internet – Jane Anne Morris

This is an update and adaptation of an interview with Jane Anne Morris on the program “Corporations and Democracy” on KZYX radio in Mendocino, CA. She began by expressing her surprise why everybody calculates the impact on the environment of raising beef for a Hamburger while nobody seems to calculate the impact of an internet search or upload.
Jane Anne Morris began searching for that number over ten years ago. She wrote an article on “The Energy Nightmare of Web Server Farms” in 2008 and – in 2012 calculated how many bicycles would be needed to keep the internet supplied with green power. That article is: “Eat, Sleep, Click: The Bicycle-Powered Internet.”
Numbers are now easier to come by and they are [ . . . ]

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A Talk by Jane Anne Morris & Richard Grossman – Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy

The Rio Earth Summit of 1992, also known as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development was the first time the world on the scale of the UN was paying attention to patterns of production — particularly the production of toxic components, or poisonous waste and radioactive chemicals. The first time that alternative sources of energy were called for to replace the use of fossil fuels, and the role of fossil fuels in climate change was acknowledged.
A small group of thoughtful individuals had come together – just before the Earth Summit – and asked: Who are the most powerful players in global economics that might prevent action to stop climate change. And the members of the group, that took [ . . . ]

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Michael Parenti, The Supremely Political Court

Archival, updated 2018 to reflect Trump’s Supreme Court – In his extraordinary 26 minute history of the Supreme Court Dr. Michael Parenti warned us in 1995 that this partisan, aristocratic institution might one day empower an autocratic president. It seems that time has come and two Trump appointees, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, can push the scales of justice in favor of their politics. Unless there is a groundswell to question and change the legal rules of that institution. Why is so much power being given to 9 unelected, non term limited judges.
Michael Parenti was born into a working class Italian family in East Harlem, New York City. He went on to receive his Ph.D. in political science at Yale [ . . . ]

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Jane Anne Morris: Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy

How “Free Trade” Is Stealing Our Democracy – Long before the 2010 Supreme Court Decision in Citizens United ruled that corporations as persons are entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government, Jane Anne Morris had written, spoken out, and campaigned on the decades long efforts of US corporations to use the Supreme Court to expand and solidify their power. She likens the US Supreme Court to the infamous unelected panels that today, in international trade, are empowered to overrule the laws of entire countries – even the size of Canada and China – when they are putting restrictions on corporate trade, or have the audacity to protect the environment and labor.
Jane Anne Morris was one [ . . . ]

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Jane Anne Morris – Democracy Theme Park

Jane Anne Morris was one of the primary researchers, writers and workshop leaders in POCLAD the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy. They came together in the early 1990’s to try to better understand why all of our activism against corporations that are causing harm to people and nature was so ineffective.
The website Democracy Theme Park dot org is Jane Anne Morris’ precious gift to us. She died on May 28, 2019 in Madison, Wisconsin. And this program is a tribute to her. Here is the way she wanted us to enter her site. She wrote:
“I first brought up the idea of the Democracy Theme Park — the place where we play at pulling the levers of democracy, only to [ . . . ]

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Richard Grossman: Dismantling Corporations – Archive Part TWO of TWO

Remembering his work and life – Richard Grossman said: “.. corporations don’t have rights. Rights are for people. Corporations only have privileges, and only those that we the people bestow on them.” In a nutshell that was the essence of his research and teaching.
Grossman said that we need to remember that the American revolution was fought less against the King but against the crown corporations, the Hudsons Bay and East India Corporations. In his work with POCLAD, the Project on Corporations, Law and Democracy and CELDF, the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund he drove home the point that corporations are chartered by sovereign people. He said that based on that sovereignty people have the right to take that charter away [ . . . ]

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Richard Grossman: Dismantling Corporations – Archive Part ONE of TWO

Ralph Nader called Richard Grossman the preeminent historian of corporations. In his writings and teaching Grossman warned us that unchecked corporate power would lead to the destruction of democracy. He said that the American revolution was fought less against the King but “against the crown corporations, the Hudsons Bay and East India Corporations.” And he believed that it is time to remember that fight and assert sovereignty of the people over corporations and the corporate state.
In this speech Grossman provocatively calls for dismantling “the thousand largest corporations off the face of the earth.” Richard Grossman’s research showed him that in the original intent of American revolutionaries corporations did not have rights, they only had privileges, and only those that we [ . . . ]

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Prof. Don Huber: The Impact of GMOs and the Herbicide Roundup on Crops, Animals, People and the Environment, Part TWO of TWO

Archival TUC Radio, updated June, 2019
A revolution in our food supply and in agriculture has taken place in the last 20 years that has remained unknown, secret or unrecognized – depending on your point of view. However the efforts to label genetically modified organisms by consumers and the forceful resistance to the right to know what we eat by corporations that produce the genetically engineered corn, soy, beets, alfalfa etc. have triggered a fundamental question. If GMO plants are nutritious, safe and ecologically sound – why are corporations not proud to label their GMO foods?
Dr. Don Huber, Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology, Microbiology, and Soil-borne Disease Control came out of retirement to speak out on the dangers of glyphosate and [ . . . ]

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Prof. Don Huber: The Impact of GMOs and the Herbicide Roundup on Crops, Animals, People and the Environment, Part ONE of TWO

Archival TUC Radio, updated June, 2019
The battle lines are drawn over safety of genetically modified plants and animals between the corporations that make them, and farmers and consumers expected to handle and eat them.
Don Huber is Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology. He taught, researched and published at Purdue University for thirty-five years on plant physiology, microbiology, pathology and soil-borne disease control. Huber came out of retirement to speak out on the dangers of glyphosate and genetically modified plants.
Monsanto had launched a campaign to discredit him in spite of his impeccable credentials that even include his work, from 1963 to 1971, at the U.S. Army Edgewood Proving Ground and Ft. Detrick Biological Laboratories in Maryland. There he did research on chemical [ . . . ]

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The Hidden Danger of Glyphosate, Part TWO of TWO – An interview with Professor Don Huber

Don Huber is Prof. Emeritus at Purdue University. He has studied – and been critical of – Roundup and later the associated Roundup ready crops for 45 years. His academic credentials protected him from retaliation – while many of his colleagues lost their positions or had to retract their papers. Huber honors some of them in this talk.
Don Huber raised the safety issue of glyphosate in 2011 with the US Secretary of agriculture and made headlines all over the world. However his warning was ignored by the Obama administration. And the Obama EPA even raised the allowable Daily Intake (ADI) for glyphosate for humans.
Don Huber was Cereal Pathologist at the University of Idaho for 8 years before joining the Department [ . . . ]

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The Hidden Danger of Glyphosate – Part One of TWO, Interview with Professor Don Huber

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, patented by Monsanto in 1974. It is now the world’s most widely used weed killer. About 100 million pounds are applied to U.S. farms and lawns every year, according to the EPA. Farmers sprayed enough of the chemical to cover every acre of cropland in the entire world with nearly a half-pound of Roundup, according to a 2016 study published in the Journal “Environmental Sciences Europe”.
Roundup is used not only in industrial agriculture but on vineyards, golf courses, public parks and in schools, in road maintenance and by back yard gardeners. Curiously the more modest uses in schools and gardens have recently come to national attention.
In May 2019 a jury in [ . . . ]

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Listen to the Children of Gaza, Amira Hass

When the Israeli Journalist and columnist for Haaretz gave this talk in Chicago on May 5, 2019, the most recent bombing of the Gaza Strip had entered its third day. Israeli warplanes and artillery had struck more than 100 sites across Gaza, killing 23 people. At the same time home-made rockets from Gaza struck southern Israel and killed 4 Israelis.
Amira Hass is the only Jewish Israeli correspondent on Palestinian affairs who is living on the West Bank among the people she reports on. She was born in 1956 in Israel to Holocaust survivors. She is the author of: Reporting from Ramallah – An Israeli Journalist in an Occupied Land and Drinking the Sea at Gaza.
Amira Hass spoke at the Broadway [ . . . ]

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Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda, Part TWO of TWO

Archive: This is TUC Radio’s all time most popular program. Journalist John Pilger has called Carey “a second Orwell in his prophesies”. This segment covers the little known role of the US Chamber of Commerce in the McCarthy witch hunts of post WWII. Carey also shows how the continued campaign against “Big Government” plays an important role in bringing Reagan to power. Also mentioned the famous secret memo by Lewis Powell, later Supreme Court Justice, that set in motion what Bill Moyers today calls “the revolt of the rich.”
Alex Carey said that the people of the US have been subjected to an unparalleled, expensive, 3/4 century long propaganda effort designed to expand corporate rights by undermining democracy and destroying the [ . . . ]

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Alex Carey: Corporations and Propaganda, Part ONE of TWO

Archive: This is TUC Radio’s all time most popular program.

Alex Carey wrote that the people of the US have been subjected to an unparalleled, expensive, 3/4 century long propaganda effort designed to expand corporate rights by undermining democracy and destroying the unions. The 20th century, he wrote, is marked by three historic developments: the growth of democracy via the expansion of the franchise, the growth of corporations, and the growth of propaganda to protect corporations from democracy. Carey’s unique view of US history goes back to World War I and ends with the Reagan era.
Noam Chomsky dedicated his book “Manufacturing Consent” to the memory of Alex Carey. Chomsky says that the Australian sociologist would have written the definitive history of [ . . . ]

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Yanis Varoufakis: The Green New Deal for Europe

Yanis Varoufakis was already an internationally known economist and academic when he was elected to the Greek parliament as a member of the Syriza party. He served as Minister of Finance from January to July 2015. He resigned when Syriza broke its campaign promise to re-negotiate Greece’s debt and significantly curtail the austerity measures imposed on Greece.
Varoufakis has become one of the eloquent and best known critics of the unlimited economic growth systems in Europe and the US – that make the largest corporations and financial institutions major drivers of climate change.
Yanis Varoufakis is answering the question: What’s wrong in Europe today and how to fix it tomorrow morning and presents the Green New Deal for Europe and how it [ . . . ]

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