Harvey Wasserman: From Fukushima to Solartopia! (TWO of TWO)

How the Green-Powered Earth Revolution can defeat King Cong, Coal, Oil, Nukes and Gas

Long-time no nukes activist Harvey Wasserman said he was honored to speak to a full hall at the Unitarian Universalists Fellowship in Berkeley, CA, on Hiroshima Day 2014. Here is the culmination of his one hour talk. From his first direct engagement against nuclear power in 1973, the defeat of two reactors in the Montague Valley of Massachusetts, 4 miles from his organic farm, to his outspoken truth telling about Fukushima, Harvey Wasserman has been an anti nuclear campaigner and a pioneer of renewable energy.

At the same time he has been researching and monitoring the nuclear industry and their criminal accidents in his dozen books and many articles in CounterPunch, Hufffington Post and New York Times.

Wasserman started his Hiroshima Day talk by saying that he had good news, bad news and really good news to transmit. The good news that he supported with numbers in part one of this program is the decline of the nuclear power industry world-wide. The bad news is Fukushima, the ongoing releases and the irresponsible handling of the cleanup by TEPCO a corporation neither capable nor motivated to do a proper job.

In this part TWO you are about to hear some more bad news about Fukushima, followed by the Really Good News of the green powered earth. Wasserman says that we are in the fight for our lives. We must and we can build the green powered earth before the next nuclear meltdown.

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