Hoodwinked in the Hothouse – Resist False Solutions to Climate Change

With Ananda Tan, Tom Goldtooth, and Jacqui Patterson US, and Eriel Deranger, Canada, and Moneka De Oro, Micronesia

After the recent heat-waves, fires, floods and storms the word climate change finally shows in mainstream media and politics. And some hold out hopes that the burning of fossil fuels will be phased out.

For the last 20 years Indigenous organizations have come together to take their issues with deforestation, mining, ocean acidification and sealevel rise to the United Nations climate conferences but were not given a seat at the table and often forcibly expelled.

In 2009 the second edition of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse – False Solutions to climate change was published for COP15 in Copenhagen. It was 28 pages long. The third edition prepared for the COP26 in Glasgow is 76 pages long. As the climate emergency has intensified the false solutions have multiplied and overwhelmed the urgently needed reforms.

False solutions include: carbon pricing, bioenergy, natural gas, hydrogen, landfill gas, waste incineration, nuclear power hydroelectricity, geoengineering, carbon capture AND even aspects of nature based solutions and renewable energy.

In this last and fourth program on Hoodwinked in the Hothouse you will hear about false solutions proposed not by fossil fuel interests but even by environmental organizations and funders and the so-called Big Green. Also there are questions asked about current policies such as Build Back Better and the 30 by 30 campaigns of the Biden administration.

The full webinar was streamed Live on Sep 21, 2021, and is posted on the Indigenous Environmental Network Youtube channel under the title Hoodwinked in The Hothouse.[at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_zq_GyW-kc]

They all value the free booklet: Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, RESIST FALSE SOLUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE. It is a living document of decades of experience updated just recently in preparation for COP26, the climate conference in Glasgow. The 76 page pamphlet can be downloaded for free at https:/climatefalsesolutions.org/

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