Will Modern Civilization be the Death of Us? – Professor William Rees

Does our modern techno-industrial society destroy the biophysical basis of our existence? Bill Rees is a population ecologist, ecological economist, and Professor Emeritus of British Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning.

He asks the question why humanity has not responded, in over 50 years, to warnings about rising greenhouse gases and heat, over exploitation of oceans, forests, soils and water; and species extinction.

Prof. Bill Rees also challenges the over-optimistic ”problem solvers” on the claim, in their version of the Green New Deal, that if we replace oil with solar we can continue living much as we do today – in an economy based on growth and consumption.

Bill Rees had been invited by the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science and The International Society for Science and Religion. They requested an answer to their question: Will Modern Civilization be the Death of Us? Recorded July 2, 2020

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