The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power plant in California may get another extension to operate

Diablo Canyon was scheduled to close by 2025
Governor Gavin Newsom got a bill approved in California’s assembly and senate (SB-846), that changed state law so the operator of Diablo Canyon, Pacific Gas and Electric, (PG&E) can receive at least $1.4 billion of taxpayer and ratepayer money to keep the compromised Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors operating.

Even before construction at Diablo Canyon began in the 1960s local and national organizations campaigned to prevent the plant from being built on the California coast line on top of several earthquake faults and in a tsunami zone. Placed half way between two major cities, Los Angeles and San Francisco, a reactor vessel explosion (a class 9 nuclear accident) would affect either metropolis – depending on the direction of the wind.

TUC radio received notice of an emergency press conference on Tuesday, August 30th – the day before the vote – and here are some of the voices.

Steve Zeltzer from No Nukes Action co-hosted the Zoom
Daniel Hirsch, Committee to Bridge the Gap
Mothers for Peace Vice President Linda Seeley
Donna Gilmore, San Onofre
Harvey Wasserman, Author, Historian
Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education

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